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A Demon Lord’S Obsession novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Dinner Ended

Dinner was cut short right after his son left.

Luna and I were just getting up from our seats and were head to the exit.

I tilted my head close to hers to whisper in her ear.

"Hey are you alright, things got a little heated back there."

She grasped my arm, hugging it tightly, tilting her own head against it and spoke.

"I'm alright, let's just g..."

"Demon King, may I have a word."

The man came close.

I shook his hand as we were departing for the night.

He spoke in disappointment.

"I really am sorry for my son's behavior at dinner tonight..."

"Really it's fine, though I understand why he might have hatred."

"I'm glad we can come to such an understanding. Though before you go, my lady, you said you're from The Corden Territory, correct?"


"Well, that is actually one of my territories close to the border."


"Though you probably won't go back now that you're with the demon king, it was just an intriguing fact that was unexpected."

I spoke after him.

"It's really a small world."

"Yes, well I won't keep you, have a good night."

"You as well."

"Oh wait."

The king was walking back to his family, though as we were parting I walked back to him.

"One second."

I left Luna for a second to have one last word with him.


After speaking with the king, Luna and I went to the room.


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