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Alicia ran towards Mama Gloria in widespread arms. She wore an excited face beaming in happiness, laughter, and curiosity.

She had waited in front of the verandah since her dad dropped her. She refused to go into the house unless she sees her ever-loving adorable granny. Bukunmi the housemaid had implored her to come inside the house and have a drink but she refused.

She had learned to be hospitable to visitors after mama scolded her harshly and denied her of a month's salary. This was because she 'ill-treated' some elders who came visiting from the village. She didn't serve kola nut neither did she serve gin. The elders remarked badly after they returned.

Mama heard about that and according to her principles, she had her way of getting back at every bullshit.

Alicia brought out her 'Common Entrance Solution' textbooks and started to revise it to while away time.

"Auntie Bukunmi, where do Eskimos live?" She asked inquisitively to a Bukunmi who paid little attention.

"I have no idea, maybe a cottage or something."

Alicia burst into laughter.

She laughed to an extent Bukunmi felt slightly embarrassed.

"I don't think that's funny, don't Eskimos live in cottages?"

Alicia burst into laughter again. This time, uncontrollably.

"Hehehe, that was so soo off point." She chuckled.

"Eskimos live in ice-built igloos"

She replied with some sort of pride.

"Coooool, well I'm not an Eskimo"...

"Who made the telephone?"

"I think that shoulda been.. 'who invented the telephone?' I think that should be Thomas Edison. I've heard many people say he failed a thousand times doing that and succeeded at a final attempt."

Alicia laughed. This time, she was hitting her chest like a monkey in the jungle. Tears dripped out of her right eye because she had laughed too much.

"Auntie Bukunmi, what school did you attend?"


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