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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 86

We waited, I told Aldrin what he looked like, which was easy because King Darshan and his son looked exactly alike, his father though was a little more brooding not that it mattered with the amount of people in this cave, it was literally a sea of men and we couldn’t exactly go wandering to find them. I could feel my magic getting stronger, Aldrin was right the sun was recharging us even Aldrin didn’t look so deathly pale. His skin regaining colour as we both tried not to move, letting the sun beam down on our legs, the warmth of it creating a warmth inside us both.

Jed had busily still been taking blood but he was becoming frustrated, because our magic dwindling through out the night the process had slowed dramatically almost to a standstill, it wasn’t until Malika screeched that they realised the curse was coming back which made me wonder how Pluto was fairing back at the castle, if he to was reverting back to the way he was.

Jed however didn’t realise the scales returning on his back though we could clearly see them as they started to return, and it wasn’t until Malika pointed them out when Jed raced to his side. He screech as his tail returned that when they realised the curse wasn’t broken. That our blood wasn’t working the way it should.

His anger was like a red hot poker as he stalked toward us, he grips my shoulders shaking me.

“What did you do?” I shake my head, nothing I say will make him believe me, he will just assume it was the Fae doing like for the last hundred years they blamed us, blamed us for their own sins.

“Fix it” He screams before sinking his teeth into my shoulder, my magic faltering for a second. He drops me to the ground and I don’t move thankful to be under the sun again, this time completely though. I was bleeding profusely from my shoulder as my blood coated my skin. Aldrin tries stemming the bleeding as my life’s blood leaves me. Jed gasps as my magic runs through him, the scales disappearing as he looks up at the sun.

“Malika drink from her, we need to keep them alive if it is to remain” He says just as Malika storms over to me his teeth sinking into the same spot making me scream as his teeth slice through my skin. Aldrin pulling on me trying to get me out of his grasp as he drinks deeply, so much I felt the blood leaving my body as I became crumpling heap on the floor as he drops me. Aldrin pulls me to a sitting position his arms holding me up as I leaned on him.

More men stepping forward in panic reaching for me, reaching for Aldrin as they try to get our blood. “It’s the curse, it isn’t broken, we can’t break the curse only King Darshan can” Aldrin yells at them. Jed freezes looking around before his eyes go to us.

“What do you mean?” He demands as the dragons suddenly step aside letting him walk back through to us.

“The curse was caused because of the dragons, you cursed yourselves only his sacrifice will end it” Aldrin tells him, I could barely sit up my body going limp from the blood loss.

“You’re lying the curse was caused by that Fae bitch Blaire, everyone knows that” Jed says punching him and knocking him to the ground. My head smacks the rock on which we lay,

“Give her blood we need her, we can’t let her die” Jed says and Malika shoves past the three dragons that were about to attack us. He bites his wrist before grabbing my hair forcing my head back, his blood filling my mouth healing the wound, when I grab his wrist, he seems amused for a second. Little does he know his blood was strengthening me, giving me power the more I drink from him.

“Dragon whores” Malika says.

“She is pregnant you fool, your slowly killing her and their baby” Aldrin says getting on his hands and knees. Jed stops sniffing the air and so does Malika.

He storms back over ripping me to my feet before tugging up my lose shirt which belonged to one of my mates. He gasps before dropping me.

“You’re pregnant?” He says before pacing back and forth.

“They are going to kill us, how did you not know she was carrying their young” Malika says but he still hadn’t moved his wrist away instead he bit his other wrist as his fear took over. He hands it to me and I lock eyes with Aldrin who nods looking to his wrist. I grab it biting down and Malika groans, I could taste his fear in his blood, it was disgusting, and I wanted to pull my lips away, my gag reflex kicking in from the now foul taste of his fear. I pull away knowing if I don’t I will bring it back up.

“We leave on dusk we will have to sneak her out, they have been circling for hours already trying to find a way in, but this makes sense now, why they haven’t entered they probably worried we are going to kill her if they burst in” Jed says looking to the sky.

Malika nods leaving me on the ground at his feet, when I see the Dragon chained to wall watching me, curiously. His eyes inquisitive.

“We will take her through the back of the cave as soon as the sun goes down” Jed says looking behind us and I see a crack through the wall.

“We will need a distraction though” He says looking back around the castle at all the men. Malika and Jed walking off when the dragons come closer again. I scream pushing back forgetting the dragon chained to wall and so does Aldrin, I scream when one reaches for me.

The dragon against the wall lunges to attack us only he doesn’t instead his talon piercing through the chest of the man that reached for me ripping him closer before he bites into him, half his arm being ripped off, the noise was sickening, his blood spraying everywhere while he screamed the other men jump back and Jed rushes forward just in time to see the Dragon eat him in another bite before I feel heat rush past me, the dragon throwing fire toward those that approached us, his tail wrapping around Aldrin and I pulling us back and out of the way of the flames.

Jed looks to us in panic as the Dragon shields us from him and by the look on his face, he looked like he thought the Dragon was going to kill us too.

“Don’t move” He says his eyes darting to us. The Dragon roars loudly the noise reverberating of the cave walls. Before a roar from outside answers, it making everyone look up, Aldrin and I look to each other.

“Is that your kings?” Aldrin whispers before I hear a voice flit through my head.

“My son is coming for you” I look to the dragon he looked exhausted as his head slumps, Aldrin presses his hand on the dragon trying to get up and away from him, while Jed and Malika and the rest all start rushing around panicked, Malika shifting his eyes going to the cave entrance.

I stare at Aldrin and see a grin split onto his face, while I look at his hands covered in soot.

“Aldrin” I call just as I look down and notice the smallest fleck of gold on the dragons scales. I wipe my hands over his scales the soot coming off revealing his scales weren’t black but gold, gold Silas, gold of the king.

The frail man who asked about Pluto hisses at us trying to get our attention. The Dragon looks up growling at him, but he puts up his hands in surrender.


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