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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 90

Elora’s POV

1 month later

I hadn’t seen him in a month, I barely left the room. I couldn’t stand the thought of crossing his path. Couldn’t bare to look at him. Abigail offered to try and fix my wings, constantly offering, knowing it caused me pain. But as I watched her belly grow more and more each day, I couldn’t ask that of her, she was tired enough just like me. Exhaustion beyond anything I could imagine, the nights growing longer with every day that passed as I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, trying to forget everything that was Silas.

The bond truly was a curse and if I could make it end, I would have in my weakest moments but then thinking of Matitus and Dragus knowing how much it would hurt them if I did, I couldn’t bring myself to do it, couldn’t bring myself to give up my magic and save myself from the destruction that he is.

We held funerals for the dead, I even asked Dragus to retrieve his father, I never went. The only one I went to was Marian’s. I still couldn’t believe she was dead, I was just glad she got to see the kingdom coming together before she died. Thankful to have been granted the memories of knowing her.

Matitus barely leaves my side and if he does Dragus is here, memories of everything he has ever done haunting me. I knew he felt guilty, yet I couldn’t bring myself to forgive him not this time, how do you forgive someone that threatened to take your child away and throw you away like you meant nothing to them. Sitting up when the door opens, I look nervously to it, fearful he was going to come in. Letting out the breath I was holding when I see Matitus walk in, he was only gone for a few minutes but it was long enough for my mind to scare me into thinking her was going to come and rip my baby from my womb.

That fear keeps Dragus awake of a night, I can’t sleep knowing he could walk in at anytime, Dragus can’t sleep because he can feel my anxiety of it, though he assures me Silas wouldn’t after everything, I wouldn’t put it past him.

“I brought you some tea” Matitus says placing the cup down on the bedside table before helping me sit up better, I only had a few weeks to go, the baby inside me rapidly growing more each day sucking the energy I do muster right out me.

Matitus hands me the cup before laying beside me on the cramped bed. Silas told them we could have the bedroom upstairs, but I refused, I didn’t expect them to stay with me, but they still did. I know they were as uncomfortable as I am in this room. But knowing Silas would be walking in out randomly made me refuse the offer.

“We should go for a walk” Matitus says staring at the ceiling. I shake my head sitting against the headboard.

“Please Love, I can’t keep sitting in this room doing nothing” He says rolling on his side and rubbing my huge belly.

“I won’t let him touch you, he won’t even see you, he is doing stuff in the city, just one lap around the castle grounds” he says.

I sip my tea, outside would be good, would help my magic heal me but the idea of going out there in the cold also didn’t seem to be all that appealing either, this baby sitting on my bladder constantly giving me the urge to pee, was bad enough without the cold making that urge worse.

“Where is Dragus?” I ask changing the topic. He sighs rolling back on his back while playing with a piece of my hair that fell on him, twirling it around his finger.

“He is with Pluto in the stables” He answers.

“What is he doing in there?” I ask.

“Building a crib, well making one anyway” He answers looking up at me. Building a crib for the baby I don’t get to keep, the baby he will take when Its born.

“Don’t think like that Elora, I don’t think he will go through with it” Matitus says.

“Well then you don’t know him, do you?” I retort. They think I am blinded to the hate I feel through the bond, he hates me, though I can tell he loves me, his hate is what he hangs onto, his hate is what will make him do it.

“We can go look at it, Dragus said it was nearly done” He says looking up at me, hopeful.

“You’re sure he isn’t on the castle grounds?”

“Positive Dakari is with him”

“One lap then we come back” I tell him. He nods getting off the bed and pulling me up, getting off the bed was hardest, I looked like an old lady swinging my legs trying to get up a enough momentum to push my weight up.

“You should put something warm on, it’s cold out today” He hands me my jump I tug it on over my head and it wont go past my boobs, I huff while Matitus looks amused as I try pulling it off only to get stuck. He chuckles before pulling it off.

“Wait here I will go get one of mine” He says darting out of the room and closing the door. I waddle over to my slippers, sliding my feet in them just as Matitus returns with one of his jumpers. I chuck it on before following him out the door. My heart racing in my chest as I walk down the corridor.

“Calm down, he isn’t here Love” He says pulling on my hand gently toward the front door. We stop at the doors and I sit on the bench seat. Matitus placing some socks on my feet from the basket on the shelf above my head. I then stuff my feet in my boots trying to reach the laces before Matitus does them up. Getting up he opens the door, the light making me squint as I wait for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. Not much light comes in the room, in the room I feel like I am in my own little bubble, nestled away with just the fireplace and my books to keep me sane.

The air instantly making me shiver as I walk down the few steps in front of it.

“Ah I need to pee, see exactly why this was a bad idea” I tell him about to turn back around.

“Hold it, I know as soon as you go back in you will refuse to come back out” He says tugging my hand. I could see the city through the gates, the street directly in front the castle was the worst hit in the attack, but looking at it now, you would never have though just a month ago it was destroyed, looking better than it ever has now with its fresh rooftops on the building and fresh paint, the signs on the business been replaced with new ones.

“Dakari has been busy with Pluto and Dragus” I state looking through the gates.


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