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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 101

Elora’s POV

I woke to Matitus picking me up. “Go back to sleep love I got you” He says but I sit up wide awake from being woken. I looked frantically around for my son only to see Silas getting up off the floor with him cradle in his arms still asleep.

I slump back against Matitus watching Silas follow us upstairs when I hear the castle door open, Abbie walking in with the documents she said she would bring. Matitus sets me down on the ground and Silas continues upstairs.

“I have some things to do but Dragus is in the room waiting for you” Matitus says pecking my lips and leaving. Abbie follows me upstairs, Silas leaving the room as I step inside. I grab his arm stopping him.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“To help Matitus with something. I will be back soon” He says kissing me before walking down the stairs. Dragus sitting on the bed, smiling as he watches us. Our son tucked in his arms. I walk inside sitting on the bed. Abbigail also doing the same before holding her arms out for my son. “Come to aunty” She says excitedly stealing him from Dragus. I chuckle and Dragus moves closer to look at the forms Abigail passed me.

“You finally have a name” He asks, and I nod wondering if they will like it or hate it.

Dragus hands me a pen before looking over my shoulder as I lean on a book filling it out when I realise, I actually never knew Matitus or Dragus last names. I stop looking up at him. “Draquin” Dragus says pointing to both him and Matitus names.

“You’re all married?” I ask and he nods.

“Yep, we just don’t like wearing rings, irritating for Matitus and Silas with shifting and they irritate my fingers” He says before sitting behind me. I nod filling out the form when it asks for Baby’s last name making me pause again. I was the last of my blood line, if I write Draquin my family name will be gone for good.

“Aziza Draquin has a ring to it, they won’t mind you keeping your name on the forms Elora, you can probably keep it when you marry us if you want” Dragus says making me look up at him.

“What?” He asks and I shake my head.

“You will be marrying us Elora” Dragus says with a chuckle before kissing the side of my face.

“What if I say no” I tell him my lips tugging up.

“As if you would turn me down, you don’t need to marry them, but you are definitely marrying me, no choice I will just pester you till you say yes” He says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap. I chuckle and so does Abigail who was watching us. Dragus points to the form wanting to see the name I chose. I fill the form out handing it to Dragus who reads it.

“I like it” He says before taking the form from me and signing his part.

“You need to get Matitus to sign it and Silas, then Silas needs to approve it”

“You think he will say no?” I ask and he shakes his head, yet I could feel he was a little uneasy about it.

Matitus comes in at lunchtime. I was still in the room, I hardly left the room. This was our little bubble, though Abigail left hours ago, I always found it easier to remain in the room. When Baby started crying, I tried to get him to latch but once again he wouldn’t when Silas walks in with Matitus.

“What do you want to do?” Silas asks. Matitus and Dragus also nodding looking at me struggling to feed him.

“You want the pump?” Dragus asks and I shake my head, tears springing in my eyes at my complete failure to breastfeed, guilt hitting me.

“Have we got formula?” I ask and Silas nods.

“You want to use formula, it’s completely up to you, it’s your body. If you want to keep trying, we will try and help but if you want to stop you can” Matitus says. I nod looking down at my hungry baby.

“We will try the formula” I tell them stroking his cheek. Silas nods walking out to go get some.

“I hand Matitus the form beside me. He looks at it before smiling and signing it and tucking it back in the envelope. He kisses my forehead before holding out his arms for our son.

“What did you do today?” I ask him just as Silas returns with the bottle handing it to Matitus.

“Nothing much organising a feast for the kingdom?”

“A feast?” I ask having been the first time I have heard of it. Silas nods.

“I have been working on something for awhile and thought it would be good to invite everyone” He tells me.


Hundred and One 1


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