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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 47

Elora’s POV

As soon as I walked in, Abbie's eyes flew open in alarm, relaxing when she realized it was just me. Abbie sits up making room next to her and I lay beside her, placing the book in my lap annoyed.

“What’s wrong?” she asks before picking up the book.

“Silas wants my magic and apparently he wants it now. He gave me this so I can read how to put my magic in something,” I tell her. She nods, flicking through the pages.

“You don’t want to?” she asks.

“Of course not, I only just got it besides I am fae. What fae hasn’t wished for their magic at some stage,” I tell her, and she nods.

Abigail was reading the page Matitus flicked to.

“You don’t need this book. fae magic isn’t much different from witch magic, it is easy to transfer your magic. I will show you” she tells me, and I nod before sighing.

“It says here stripping a fae of her magic removes all magical properties leaving them bare”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask curious, and she shrugs.

“God knows, I am assuming you won’t be able to get it back once it has been used up, whereas with witch's magic we can regenerate it from pulling on the elements. I’m guessing fae can’t”

I nod when Marian walks in, a sombre expression on her face when she sees the book Abigail is holding.

“I knew he wanted your magic first thing this morning, I saw him reading that before you woke up. He spent all morning in the library” she tells us.

“What are you going to do?” she asks, sitting in the desk chair.

“Hand it over, I won’t let anyone else die. It isn’t worth someone’s life,” I tell her. She nods before looking at Abigail sadly.

“Fae have gone without their magic for this long, not like we can’t live without it. He will regret it though that I can assure you”

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“You will find out, not necessarily a bad thing for you but for Silas it will be”

“So, what do you want to put it in?” Abigail asks.

“I have no idea, what do you think?” I ask and she shrugs.

“I have something perfect” Marian tells me,

“I just need to duck in town. Be back in half an hour,” she says a devious smile on her face like whatever she thought of was funny. Abigail looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

“I wonder what she thought of?”

“Beats me but I have a funny feeling it isn’t anything good,” I tell her. One thing about Marian after being here for the last few weeks is, she has a strange sense of humour. Shaking my head, I get up.

“Where are you going?”

“To get breakfast before Silas kicks the door down and force feeds me,” I tell her. She swings her legs off the bed getting up after me.

“Good idea, I am starving” she tells me before pulling a woollen jumper on. We both walk to the kitchens and make cereal when Silas and Matitus walk in. Proving my theory right that he would have kicked the door in looking for me.

“Good, you’re eating,” Matitus says looking relieved. Making me wonder exactly how accurate my thought was of Silas force feeding me.

I ignore them as they walk in. I can feel Silas’s anger through the bond which hadn’t died down. When they didn’t leave, I saw Abigail sending them nervous glances. Tipping my bowl in the sink. Silas growls.

“What?” I snap, glaring at him.

He says nothing, just folds his arms across his chest and the room goes up in temperature letting me know how angry he is.

Matitus steps forward, rubbing my arms. “Elora just don’t please. Why do you have to challenge him on everything?” he says, pushing me back in the seat. Silas walks out and I can hear his growl as he walks up the corridor. Matitus pinches the bridge of his nose frustrated.

“Did you read it?”

“Yes, Matitus I read the fucking book, just let Abbie finish and I will bring it to you when I am done,” I tell him, shooing him away. Matitus reluctantly leaves. Just as Abbie nearly finishes eating Marian runs in with a box, her hair a mess like she ran all the way here.

I go to open the box, but Marian shakes her head before laughing, holding the lid shut. Abigail and I raise an eyebrow at her blushing face.

“Not here” she snorts, holding her laugh, “I would love to be a fly on the wall when you give this to them” she tells us, and Abbi shovels her food down wanting to know what it is Marian has in the box.

“It’s too perfect, especially once you hand it over because that is what they will have to do,” she says hysterically laughing again to the point she had tears rolling down her face.

Abigail stands up dumping her bowl in the sink. “You got me curious now old lady” she states before walking out the kitchen door.

Following her back to Abigail’s room, Marian locks the door behind her before setting the box on the table. At this moment she looked younger carefree as she opened the box, which had a smaller box inside about the length of my forearm.

Abigail picks it up, turning it over to read what is inside. Abigail also starts giggling, her face flushing red before she jams it back in the box closing the lid, like she was embarrassed for even holding it. “Oh my god Marian you are terrible, where did you even get this?”


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