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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 53

“I can try Elora, but how much do you need?”

“A lot” Silas looks at me, before staring at my necklace I handed him. It was gold so it had value to the underground dealers that grew stuff in the old tunnels but even I knew it wouldn’t be enough.

“When do you need it, I can’t head to the tunnels now, it is getting dark, it’s not safe out there of a night”

“Which tunnels?” I ask.

“They moved to breach tunnels” I nod. Silas and Matitus watching our exchange confused.

The underground tunnels were moved and kept hidden so they wouldn’t be found easily if the Dragon kings found out about it and put a stop to the operations underground, unfortunately those that did know like myself and Victor it cost a lot to get herbs from them. Medication being an expensive and valuable trade to those that had a green thumb.

“How much?” Silas asks.

“Depends how much you want. This would buy maybe three herbs, enough to make two bottles” he said holding up my necklace. Silas digs in his pocket before taking my necklace and handing it back to me. He pulls out a handful of gold coins and so does Matitus and Dragus.

“This?” Silas asks. Victor’s mouth falls open before he grabs one biting into it. “Solid?” he asks and Silas nods.

“Well, you could buy the entire place with what you have there,” he says, nodding to the handful of coins.

“I can’t go now; the vamps will be out hunting and the rest of the creatures” Victors says.

“I will go, if you can make it” he nods before realising what I said and shaking his head.

“Elora, it is dangerous at night,” he tells me. I shake my head, no one would mess with me while I have these three with me.

“Just listen out for my knock,” I tell him walking out. Victor follows behind us, locking back up. The dragon kings watching me before following as I turn down a dark alley.

“How do you know where you’re going, and why would you give him your mother’s necklace?” Dragus asks.

“You don’t have the luxury of keeping things in this city, Dragus, you barter to get what you need. Come on,” I tell them, walking up another alleyway before stopping at a drain. I lift the grate before using the ladder to climb down. Silas follows first then the others.

“Have you been down here before?” Silas asks.

“Yes, I have come here before with Victor, they move so they aren’t discovered. But yes, I have been here, even lived in these tunnels when I was younger,” I tell him while navigating through the tunnels. I could feel their shock through the bond and guilt. But I paid no mind to them, instead looking for the ribbon markers that were set high on the walls to show the way. This was life for so many it was about time they realised the hardships their people went through. After about twenty minutes, the tunnels started widening and opening up and I could see light up ahead. Before hearing a voice sing out.

“Password or I shoot”

“Aloe vera” I called out hoping they still used the same one.


“Yep” I called out before recognising the voice.

“Max?” I ask walking forward and stepping into the light. Under the lights, plants grew even drugs, but that’s not what I was here for.

“Elora, what are you doing bringing them here?” Max says, raising his gun. I grab the barrel pointing it at the floor. Max used to work for Victor, so I have known him for a while, but I honestly thought he was dead.

“We need medicine, I have money,” I tell him before the clear film curtain opens up and a man walks out to see what’s going on, instantly raising his gun.

I put my hands up and Silas growls loudly at the gun being pointed at me. “We mean no harm, just need herbs,” I tell him. He had dark skin the colour of mocha and green eyes with a shaved head. He lowers his gun but eyes the dragon kings. I hold my hand out to Silas.

“Give me the coins” Silas hands them over.

“Her only,” the man says, and all three dragon kings growl. He raises the gun again. It wouldn’t kill them, but I knew it would hurt and probably get everyone here killed if he fired it. Realising that himself he lowered it. I stepped forward walking through the curtain, the entire place looked like a greenhouse inside. Lights ran off a generator hanging above the pots of plants and the smell of herbs strong enough to drown out the pungent smells of the tunnel.


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