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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 62

Elora’s POV

It worked, the curse on the Fae was broken. What I wasn’t prepared for was the searing pain radiating through my back when I woke. My death was peaceful and with it, I felt my mates drop, their link to me severing only to renewed stronger. I could feel them on an entirely different level, Matitus and Silas stronger though. It is hard to explain but maybe it was because they already bare my mark.

Waking up, was a strange feeling like I had been holding breath, and I suddenly had to force myself to breathe. But the pain in my lungs was nothing compared to the pain radiating from between my shoulder blades. The sort of pain where you would rather death, my spine felt like it was be rearranged. It was all I could focus on as I clawed at it trying to get it stop. When I felt something within me snap, like when an elastic band reaches it limit, the force of my magic bursting made me scream before I felt a violent rush leave me, the pain in my back leaving me breathless before it suddenly stopped. I could feel the warmth of my blood trickling down my back and something else, something I had never felt before. Looking over my shoulder I gasp at what I see. I had wings.

Fae used to have wings, my grandmother didn’t even have wings, but I heard stories of what they represent from her. Only the blessed were granted them. Those that possessed them, were considered gifted or had made our gods proud through a good deed. Only those blessed by the fates and of a royal blood line carried wings. The last Fae on record to possess wings was the king of Fae. My grandmothers great grandfather was the last known royal to be granted wings by our ancestors.

So, it was shocking to me that I was blessed with them. I had done nothing remarkable I didn’t think. They were beautiful and, crystal-like and light but so strong. I could feel my magic flowing within them, feel the power I possessed. I was so awe struck by them I hadn’t realised what was going on around me until I heard Claire’s little voice. “The Queen of Draquin has been reborn”

That’s when I noticed them, looking out at the crowd I almost cried at the sight before me, glowing brightly back at me were my people, Fae the silver light in their eyes left no doubt. We weren’t extinct, Fae survived just like I believed, hiding in the shadows like had. We had survived. The crowd moving, letting them through. Around a hundred Fae moved forward out of the crowd stepping before me.

Silver eyes glowing with excitement and also another set of eyes, ones I had only heard of because they were the eyes only given to those of noble blood. Dazzling Aqua eyes stepped forward and I knew instantly that some of the royal families survived, those my family ruled alongside of.

The man stepped forward and I got to my feet, his blonde hair tied into a ponytail. Looking at him he carried himself a certain way that oozed authority, even after decades of failure he was proud to be Fae, proud to be royal. What shocked me was when he stepped forward and dropped in front me on one knee.

The Dragon kings stepping beside me, although they looked like they were still recovering from what happened yet that didn’t stop their jealousy of a man being near what is theirs.

“My queen, I am Aldrin of the Royal bloodline of Helcate” He says bowing his head slightly.

“I know my lord; please rise you don’t need to bow for me” I tell him a little embarrassed that he did. He shakes his head.

“Our families have ruled beside each other before the war, we all owe you a great amount for what you have just blessed us with, for what you have returned to us” He says.

Silas growled stepping forward at his words. Aldrin puts up his hands in surrender and I could tell he meant no harm, no insult to the Kings I just hoped Silas could see that.

“Forgive me my lords, I am not here to take your mate. This isn’t me coming forward and asking her hand, I know she has mates and I have my own” He says and Silas growls before Matitus steps forward.

“Then what are you doing then Fae” He asks looking out at the crowd I could feel their shock, they truly felt they eradicated my kind.

Another Fae steps forward with a child. The woman was a common Fae but the child in her arms was no doubt of the royal blood of Helcate.

“This is my wife, Talia and my son Aldo” I nod when suddenly she drops to one knee, I try to get her to stand embarrassed that everyone thought they need to bow to me, we are the same.

“Please don’t bow” I tell her, but she shakes her head when suddenly everyone takes a knee, like wave the entire crowd even the humans bow down making me gasp. When I hear Aldrin voice echo through the night, his voice melodious and clear.

“I Aldrin royal blood Of Helcate, pledge allegiance, to Elora Aziza Queen of the Draquin kingdom and Queen of the Fae” He says making me stumble back slightly shocked.


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