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Her Volkovs #Book 3 novel Chapter 22

Belle's POV

The next morning, I took my luggage and looked for my underwear because I could not find any in Nikolai's walk in closet. Perhaps my undergarments are still here.

While I'm scouring for my stuffs, a card fell down the floor which I instantly recognize. This was Sawyer's letter to me months ago when he decided to go to his dad's in California for rehab therapy. He left a number for me to call but I never got the chance to call him.

I picked up the phone from the small table and sat on the side of the bed to dial Sawyer. After three rings somebody answered.

"Hello, Saywer?"

"Oh Saywer's in the bathroom. Whose this? Can I just get a message?" Said a man's voice.

"Uh.. yah. This is Belle. I'm just checking up on him...."

I was about to ask how's Saywer doing but then I heard the man yelled. "Yo! Bro! Somebody is checking up on you. It's a girl!"

"Yah?" That's Sawyer. I can hear the shower in the background and the echoing sound.

"Yah! Her voice is sexy as fuck I'm gonna talk to her and ask for her number."

Geeez, I'm still here. I can perfectly hear you, whoever you are.

"Okay." Sawyer answered.

"Thanks Bro! By the way, her name is Belle! THE Belle. The one you have been buzzing about non stop since you came here! Ha!"

"Don't fuck with me Peyton!"

"I'm not fucking with you Bro."

"Okay, if that's really her, ask her what food she begged me to buy her the first time we went out."

"Hey sweetheart..."

"Yah, I heard. I heard everything, Pey-ton! The answer is Bagel. Delicious Bagel."

"Hamburger!" He yelled at Sawyer. At this point it's taking a lot in me not to spit profanities to this annoying friend of Sawyer.

"Go fuck yourself Peyton! I'm taking a shower."


After Peyton said that there's this rumbling sound in the background I dont know what happened but I guess the phone was knocked down or something.

"Wear a fucking underwear bro! Youre disgusting! God!" Said Peyton.

"Hey..... Belle?" My heart instantly melted upon hearing Sawyer call my name.


I wore a black long sleeve crop top and short shorts for dinner and let my shoulder length hair down. I'm gonna make sure that I look and feel sexy for as long as I can because I know that few weeks from now, I will be carrying a ball in my stomach. Not that I'm complaining. In fact, I'm already excited!

There's this certain amount of happiness somewhere in my heart right now. Somehow I feel content. Perhaps because now I know that Nikolai and Alexie did not cheat on me. That they remained faithful to me from the beginning.

Nikolai, Alexei, Dimitri and the other boys are already in the dining room when I arrived. The long shiny wooden table is now filled with food like there's a party or something. Well, ever since Matushka decided to live here, every meal always feels like a party. There's just too much delicious food.

Matushka made me sit beside Nikolai, or what can be properly called the King's Throne. Alexei is sitting right next to Nikolai on the other side, across my seat.

Nikolai and Alexei are sporting smiles on their faces while talking. Well everyobody is in high spirits in the Volkov residence.

"How are you feeling princess Belle?"

"I'm fine Matushka. Uhmmm.. By the way, Ill be having a visitor tonight." I placed the table napkin around my collar as I prepare to eat.

"Really? That's nice. Who's your visitor? Is it Amylinda?"

"Well Amy will be here as well but my visitor is Sawyer."

I swear the moment I mentioned Sawyer's name I instantly felt that Nikolai and Alexei shoot daggers of stare at me as if waiting for an explanation.

I invited Sawyer to come over the house instead of me going out to meet him. And I think I'm starting to regret that decision.

"Why did you have to invite him here?" Said Nikolai.

"The fuck does he want from you?" Said Alexei.

Geez. Belle, did you hear that? Congratulatons to your 3rd and 4th parents.

"Would you two rather I go out to meet him somewhere else?"

They did not answer.

"Ah, I think it's nice that Belle has visitors from time to time. Who's this Sawyer, princess?"

"The disabled fucker who has a crush on her." Said Alexei while looking at me intently.

I just ignored him and focused my attention to Matushka.

"He was my upstair neighbour. I used to take care of him when his mother went to a business trip. He used to be a college football quarterback before he figured into an accident. Last time I heard about him, he went to California to check into rehab for his injuries. He's really a nice kid Matushka."

Nikolai snorted like he heard the most ridiculous statement ever.

"Well in that case, I'm excited to meet this Sawyer as well. Don't worry boys Ill make sure that things are in order tonight." Said Matushka to the two.


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