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Killer (The Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club book 5) novel Chapter 4

Your love is like a cocoon, the thought of it, drenched with the idea of your beauty, like a butterfly, splashed in color, but the reality is like a moth, ordinary and simple. I don’t know why I keep hoping you are different.

Sienna Bray ,


There were many ways to describe Kevin Stone. I’m sure we all had our own words about the Ghost, but his presence, and his frozen gaze as it stared into the cruxes you thought were hidden, was the most common. Growing up, I wanted to believe there was something dormant in him, that his unfeeling soul had an inkling of emotion, which didn’t surround his need to protect the ones he loved. I wanted to believe many things when it came to Kevin Stone, and at 16 I was sure I had him pegged.

I didn’t know then what I knew today. But it was at the tender age of 16 did I get my first actual glimpse into the man we likened to a ghost. I saw the spark of something real in him, but it wasn’t aimed at me. It was her, always her, Natasha Bray.

I want to say, or better yet, I should say she didn’t deserve him, BUT she did. Natasha deserved way more. It was him who was lacking. Kevin Stone had one vital fault. He was without emotion except when it came to her, and even then, I wondered to what degree his emotions ran.

I remember the last time I saw him; it was 10 years ago; I was a wild girl living a lie, and he was my executioner.

Liston Hills

10 years ago

The night is still, with the stings of a winter’s kiss. I take in the crisp air, as my fingers burn from the effects of its nakedness exposed unduly long to the harsh stagnant weather. My feet, though wrapped in boots, wail for heat.

“I’m not getting my hide turned for this Sin, Papa is going to be ten shades of mad if we get caught.”

“We won’t, next week is my birthday, you promised,” I remind Natasha as she picks the school’s lock. How she learned that in less than two days was beyond my understanding.

It’s dark, and since we were out after curfew, neither of us had any cellphones or torch lights. We went on a whim. My Uncle Marcus was home, and when he was around, he kept his eyes on us constantly. We had to make it so Mason and Kylie were ‘occupied’ so my Uncle didn’t get suspicious.

“I know, but Ky is already in deep shit, after she knocked Dexter,” Natasha whispers as she pulls the chain from the gate.

“He deserved it,” I respond without bothering to lower my voice.

“No one deserves to get run over Sienna, Ky could’ve killed him,” She babbles as we open the gate and I pick up the backpack, we packed weeks ago.

“He cheated,” I declare a bit too loud, considering where we were. Tonight was the night to prank the football players at Liston High Public School. I’ve always wanted to a part of the action, but my cousins never allowed me too. Which sucked, but this year, no one was going to stop me.

“She dumped him,” Natasha hisses, and we both duck down as light flashes too close to us.

“Come on, that’s Mason,” I grab her hand as I secure the bag on my shoulder and we run, with our backs bent, keeping close to the school walls.

There were perks to attending Liston High Public. I would have liked it here, but my uncle insisted I attended a Private School. Which meant it was prankster night, and since it fell a week before my birthday, I insisted we prank the teams tonight. They wouldn’t suspect a thing.


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