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My Killing President novel Chapter 35

When Annabelle returned to her own desk, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

She was hoping that she had made the right call.

But as she continued to ponder, she still couldn’t find peace with her decision and decided to call Dorie and confide in her.

“Have you really made up your mind?” Dorie asked. She was unsure herself. But she knew that what Annabelle truly needed was support and not council.

Annabelle nodded slowly, “Yes. Probably I was really over-thinking. Alistair doesn’t seem to care or to remember at all. And I think I should move on and chase after my dream!”

Dorie was quiet momentarily. And she effused in agreement, “Annabelle, it doesn’t matter what you do, know that I will always support your decision! And to be frank, Alistair have had too many flings, plus the fact that the two of you never associate much, it make sense for him to overlook. Even if he DOES somehow recognize you, what can he do now when you’re divorced?”

“Exactly what I thought!”

Getting the reassurance from Dorie had set her mind straight.

Phew~ worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace.

Annabelle breathed a huge sigh of relief, she was finally ready to let go of her burden.

“I know what to do now!”

“Don’t forget I will always stand by you!” Dorie said cheerfully.

“Ok, and thanks!”

Annabelle ended the call and slumped on her chair.

A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work!


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