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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 42

"Then it's settled," Mathias said before he turned to look at me again. "Nova, if you have any trouble, have Alpha Peter notify me. I hope to meet you again soon... under different circumstances of course," he said before he shook Peter's hand and left. Elias turned to me in a last stitch attempt. He rushed forward and took my hand in his.

"Nova, please," he begged. That comforting feeling shot up my arm and made me sign in relief. I quickly pulled my hand away.

"You can see me in a week. I have a phone now... or again since you took away my phone the first time. You can get my number from my brother," I said before I turned and went inside the cabin. I was tired and emotionally exhausted. With everything that went on, I still couldn't forget the fact that I was pregnant. I put my hand on my stomach subconsciously as I stood in the middle of the kitchen.

A baby...

If my math was correct, I was two weeks pregnant.

"Nova!" I heard my brother call. I opened the door and saw Nolan and Mason standing there. Everyone else had left the clearing.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"You have to invite us inside. The cabin is enchanted remember?" Mason said sheepishly. My eyes widened slightly.

"You were serious about that?" I asked They both nodded. I invited them inside and went back to the kitchen. I began opening random cabinets until I found a glass. I ran sink water into it before leaning my back and hands against the counter. I sighed and looked at the glass sitting on the counter as my brain went over all the events that just happened before I could stop it.

"Are you okay, little one?" Mason asked as he entered the kitchen with Nolan. I shrugged as they came closer. I was on the verge of tears again. I sniffled and went to the living room with my glass, setting it down on the glass coffee table. I clasped my hands in my lap and shivered slightly. Mason wrapped a blanket around my shoulders.

"All that fighting and death and for what?" I practically whispered. Nolan and Mason sat on either side of me and hugged me.

"We're going to keep you here, just in case. The cabin is enchanted so that only you allow can enter. Unless you invite them inside, they'll be stuck on the outside. I suggest you keep it only Nolan, you, and me," Mason explained.


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