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The Witches novel Chapter 5

Jade and I took a stroll around the nearby town. It's busy and I love how everyone minds their own business and the dark cloudy weather grew on me, sure it could get chilly the longer you're out in it but it's okay.

The town was filled with witches doing their own thing. What I noticed is that there are no taxis but their large orbs that transport people around. These vehicles were steered by pixies. I've never met one up close but I have seen them off in the distant doing their job. They're so magical since they glow and everything about them oozes magic.

Other witches preferred to travel via brooms. Aaliyah says that flying on brooms are a lot more difficult than it seems and not everyone gets it right. It takes time and skill.

The dimension has no seasons only some days that tend to be hotter or colder than the other days. Sometimes it lasts for a day, sometimes more and I can't wait to experience the strange weather found here.

Some places are naturally hotter than other places, that's the spots where more white witches can be found. It's the complete opposite with the darker witch who can be found in the darkest places.

I took a peek at young Jade. The dirty blonde was people watching as we took a stroll in the park. I held her hand tightly, we don't have much but we have each other and we grew close so quickly. I don't like Lily with her, Lily's a bad influence and I do as much as I can to keep them apart without making it too obvious to the both of them.

Lily teaches her bad things, bad habits that I find myself having to correct her because she's still young and can be bent in the right way.

I peopled watched too, it's way much interesting here in Meledsan amongst the witches because they always did something captivating. If I am a witch, I cannot wait until I learn a few spells because it looks fun to just play with your magic.

A woman walked in front of us, she wore all black then again most of the citizens here do. She had a black leather handbag that was open that is fine I guess but the weirdest thing happened, her wallet fell out as if someone picked it up and threw it on the ground.

"Excuse me," I immediately stopped her, she turned around, "your wallet,"

She grinned and picked it up. "Thanks,"

I watched her walk off with a smile on my face.

"Tamzyn. Why would you do that?" Jade asked frustrated, "we don't have clothes here, shoes or money. We needed that, a lot,"

"It's stealing Jade,"

"We need it. We can't keep on wearing clothes from the lost and found,"

I grinned and got down on one knee to look her in her eyes. I had a great idea, not sure if she's with it. "No matter how you try to spin it. Stealing is very wrong, Jade, and I don't want you doing anything like that. Got it?"

She didn't reply so I put on a dead serious face, "Jade?"

She grunted and rolled her eyes, "fine. I won't steal,"


"I promise,"

I liked that she was willing to learn like that. She makes me put on my mom pants. "Good. Now, let's go to an orphanage or something and go see if they don't have clothes and shoes they're willing to give away,"

It put a small smile on her face. We searched and eventually found one. A large mansion that had many children playing in the yard. 'Lupo's Children's Home' I explained to them our situation and they felt sorry for us, giving us socks, shoes, dresses, scarfs, jerseys, gloves and underwear the works.

We were very thankful. They put the clothes in the large plastic bag and we waited on the woman who helped us, she decided to give us both a blanket because she says she knows the bedding is never enough at the hostiles.

She's a very friendly lady and the vibe around here was very welcoming. We even stayed a bit since Jade decided to play with some of the kids. I hung out with the woman, her name is Miriam and she is just the warmest person around.

She watches over a thousand children and has eight other workers, she says.

"Doesn't it get too busy?"

She always had this big smile on her face, "it does, but we cope. It's more than what it was when we were only Mele,"


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