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A Call That Changed Her Entire Life novel Chapter 101

Emily was getting nervous. She wouldn't deceive him like that. She quickly grabbed his hand asking "You think I am lying to you? Come! Let's get to the bottom of this."

She didn't want Jacob to misunderstand her or accuse her of lying. So she was determined to find out the problem.

This was the very same hospital where Emily had learned about her pregnancy. So without hesitation, she grabbed Jacob in search for the OBGYN section.

By this point, it wasn't only what he would think of her anymore; she wanted to get some answers for herself as well. After a short while, they found the doctor who had diagnosed her; her badge read "Dr Li." Yes, that was her indeed.

"Doctor, do you still remember me? I was in this hospital about two months ago and you gave me a pregnancy diagnosis. Do you recall?"

Dr Li stared at Emily for a few seconds, trying to remember. Slowly, flashbacks of the bleeding incident from that day were coming back to her. How could she forget that? With all the details accounted for in her memory, she confirmed,"Yes, I do remember."

Dr Li then glanced over at Jacob thinking, 'Young people these days! She already found a new boyfriend.'

Relieved, Emily continued to inquire,"You are sure that you detected a pregnancy that day, right?"

"Yes, you're pregnant, and the report also said so," answered the doctor completely convinced. Just to confirm, she had already started looking for Emily's folder, and indeed, once she checked inside it, everything matched what she was remembering.

Emily quickly glanced at Jacob making sure he had heard all that, then turned back to the doctor continuing to inquire,"So doctor, is it possible... I just noticed I was bleeding. It looked to me like period bleeding, but that couldn't have been if I was pregnant. So I thought I had aborted, but the doctors in the emergency room told me there was no child. And now I don't understand anything anymore."

"But how could that be?" mumbled Dr Li perplexed. "The ultrasound from that day is clearly showing the figure of a child," she continued while staring at the report.

"Doctor, could it be... that you were mistaken?" asked Emily discouraged.

Since she was not showing any pregnancy symptoms, Emily was beginning to realize that the possibility of her not being pregnant was turning into a probability.

At that point, Dr Li started doubting it as well. She flipped through the records of Emily's previous visits and looked more carefully at the ultrasound image of the fetus. "Actually... you are right... I indeed made a mistake."

"Mis... take?" inquired Emily all deflated. She looked obviously troubled. A million thoughts were going through her mind. How? What was Jacob going to think? What was going to happen now?

Dr Li showed her the report explaining,"This was the fetal image of the woman before you. This is not the same ID number as yours. But because of the short period between your visits, the system assigned the ultrasound to both of your digital folders. That is why it was printed on your report too."

"So... I am not pregnant?" continued Emily.

"Well, you could still be actually. The blood test that day did confirm the pregnancy...

I would recommend repeating the blood test." Emily instantly agreed, however, Jacob grabbed her hand holding her in place.

"It's not necessary; let's go home," he addressed Emily calmly.

She wasn't sure what he was thinking but she wasn't going to leave without an answer. Emily slowly pulled her hand out of his, and with a convinced look turned towards Dr Li reaffirming her decision,"I must find out what's going on. Let's do this."

This time, Emily didn't only check her blood and urine, but did a full inspection including her hormones and vitals.

"Your blood, urine and hormone tests still indicate that you're pregnant." Dr Li looked at the rest of the reports carefully,"However the ultrasound is not detecting the fetus in your uterus..."

"How can that be?" wondered Emily with an exasperated voice. "Where is my child?" she continued protesting. Her heart had sank in her stomach. Nothing made sense anymore. Was she or was she not pregnant?

After a few silent minutes, Dr Li was able to give her an answer,"Miss Bai, I understand what is actually going on. You are not pregnant, in fact. The reason why the blood tests show that you are pregnant is most likely attributed to pseudopregnancy symptoms."

"Pregnancy what? What is that? I don't understand. I am bleeding, and I'm also feeling pain in my stomach," answered Emily in search for a logical explanation.

"That's a stress response you get when you're too nervous," clarified the doctor. "Have you been under a lot of stress lately?" Seeing how Emily couldn't connect the dots, the doctor paused trying to rephrase her explanation,"Pseudopregnancy is a false pregnancy. You believe you are pregnant, and because of that, your psychological responses and consequently, your hormone levels adjust to a state that can accommodate a fetus. That's why your period was delayed. But in reality, you are not pregnant since there is no child showing in the ultrasound."

Jacob's disgruntled expression was making Emily even more nervous. He was obviously not happy with the news, but more than that, he was not happy about Emily's stress level. With eyes narrowed slightly, he kept shifting looks between her and the doctor. He couldn't believe that the reason for her pale face just then was fear. All of her symptoms were just because she was anxious?

"I see..." answered Emily on a resigned tone. Almost as if dizzy, she turned towards Jacob whispering,"I am not pregnant."


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