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A Gift from the Goddess by Dawn Rosewood novel Chapter 88

“Please forgive me, Alpha,” I heard Elder Luke quietly mutter behind me before he quickly closed the meeting hall doors. 


And suddenly I was locked in here. With them. 

“Aleric... Cai,” I said cautiously, my hand already moving slowly towards my dagger. “Didn‘t expect to find either of you here of all places.” 

Not only had someone broken Aleric out of the cells but they‘d also succeeded in getting Cai over the border without my knowledge. And I knew, without needing to think too hard on it, that only Elder Luke was capable of something like this. 

My mind was already racing with what was going on, analysing their movements carefully to ensure ! wasn‘t taken off guard. If they were under Thea‘s influence then they might try to kill me. I couldn‘t think o f any other reason for why they would have trapped me like this. 

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Aleric said, taking a step forward. 

And, immediately, I unsheathed my dagger and held it up defensively. They were mistaken if they thought I would go down easily. 

“Who‘s blood is that?” Cai then asked, bringing Aleric‘s attention to it as well. 

“None of your business,” I bit back. 

“...What the hell have you done, Aria?” Aleric growled. “Is that Lucy‘s scent I can smell on you?” 

“Nothing you wouldn‘t do, Aleric,” I snapped, taking a few steps forward cautiously. 

I heard him then sigh quietly at that and look towards Cai. “We‘re going to have to go with Plan B.” 

And quickly, I got into a crouch and readied myself. “What is this? Did you just tell me that Lucy was a spy to throw me off your trail? Didn‘t want me to suspect you of working with Thea anymore so you could organise this? Are you all in on this? Elder Luke too? All of you working for her?” 

“Not everyone is your enemy, Aria,” Aleric said. “You‘re sick and you don‘t even realise it.” 

I laughed at that. “Oh, *I‘m sick*? How about the person who murdered my parents?” I asked before turning towards Cai. “Or the person who slept with the creature trying to kill us? Did you just forget that taking me out is just one step closer to your own death?” 

Were not trying to kill you, Aria. We‘re trying to help you.” 

«But then I saw it. A flash image of him charging at me, throwing me to the ground and ripping out my 

throat. Almost as vivid as a vision… but different. 

“I knew it! You‘re lying!” I yelled, adjusting my stance. “Always lying! You think I‘m going to let my defences down this time? I won‘t be taken out so easily anymore. There‘s no silver collar to hold me back 


“You should kill them before they kill you,‘ the voice said. “Maybe there is a way to take their abilities. If we could gatekeep all three lineages then there wouldn‘t be any need for them. No more liabilities.‘ 

I was too focused on the situation at hand but I knew that what she was saying sounded too risky. We weren‘t a God and even if I could take their abilities, I wouldn‘t even know how to go about doing that. 

Just try it, she said. ‘Before they get to you first. Before they make the choice for you.‘ 

Cai ended up being the first one to move, charging from the right, but I sensed his movement perfectly. H e was aiming to tackle me to the ground but he was mistaken if he thought something like that would 

work on me. Aleric‘s distraction of talking to me wasn‘t going to be anywhere near enough to get the drop on me

Instantly, his body flew past as he missed me entirely and I quickly turned to be ready for a counter. 

He was still too slow though. In the month since I‘d last seen him, it looked as though he‘d regained the majority of his strength but he wasn‘t yet back at his peak. I knew what Cai was capable of on his best day and this wasn‘t it. 

He tried several more attempts at landing a hit on me to no avail. In fact, it was useless for him to even try since I could sense his attacks seconds before he moved. 

“That‘s not going to work on her,” Aleric then shouted from the side, moving in to flank behind me. “She can foresee your movements.” 

“Evidently,” Cai replied dryly, not taking his eyes off me. 

“Scared, Cai?” I asked and faked a lunge forward. He immediately jumped backwards defensively causing me to laugh. 

But the humour was cut short as I felt Aleric attempting to take advantage of the mild distraction. 

“Nice try,” I said and moved back just as Aleric‘s hands tried to grab me. 

He‘d left himself open by doing this though and, utilising his proximity, I quickly brought my knife up to get a hit on his arm, hoping to maim him. However, he was almost as fast as me, managing to move out of the way to avoid in time, 

The whole thing was reminiscent of the day before my birthday when we‘d been sparring in the gym. Except neither of us had things holding us back now. For what I was lacking in brute strength and extensive fighting knowledge, I was able to make up for in speed and foresight. And, unlike him, I was actually armed. 

The dance began as we both attacked and countered each other, now almost perfectly balanced and in sync. It was impossible to say who had the upper hand as everything moved in a blur. Perhaps it might have even gone on forever... but then I felt it; 

Cai coming in from the side, deciding to finally interfere. 

He looked for an opening and I sensed his next move, but I was only just able to miss it by a second. Taking on just one at a time might have given me the slightest chance of victory… but two

And it ended up being just as difficult as I thought. The only thing giving me a real edge now was the knife, both of them having to give a clear radius to avoid that. If they managed to disarm me I knew it would be over. 

... The strange thing though was that neither of them had shifted. Taking them on in human form was only giving me the better advantage. I knew that if they were both to take their wolf forms I would be in trouble; my own wolf now lacking in strength since her absence. 

“Kill them both,‘ the voice instructed frantically inside my head. 

‘Do it. Before it‘s too late.‘ 

‘Do it.’ 

“Shut up!” I screamed back aloud in frustration. 

It was never–ending. Never enough. Never stopping. I couldn‘t take much more. I just wanted my head to b e mine again and mine alone. 

“Who are you talking to?” Cai asked, closer behind me than I realised. 

perty Seven 

But I didn‘t reply 

Instead, I just immediately turned around to lunge and, using my elbow to strike his jaw, I sent him straight to the ground with a thud. The impact alone had probably hurt more than my attack. 

But I didn‘t waste time after that and quickly jumped on top of him, using my weight to pin his arms down. I needed to be fast because I knew he was probably capable of overpowering me in overall strength again; him having recovered enough for at least that much. However, truthfully, I found it a little surprising when he was barely struggling against me. 

Aria,” he yelled urgently, his golden eyes locking with mine. “Stop. This isn‘t you.” 

And I felt that wave of electricity in the air, trying to persuade me to stop. That same energy he’d manipulated me with for years. 

...And I tightened my grip on my dagger. 

Do it kill him. We can defeat Thea once we have his power.‘ 

...And positioned my hand. 

‘FINISH IT. ...And 

nei tianty toht 

Chapter Eighty–Eight 

“NO!” a voice yelled from behind me... 

...And a wall of muscle quickly tackled me off Cai, sending us both flying along the ground and sliding several feet away. 

I pushed and shoved against Aleric‘s grip but he was putting everything into this. It was almost impossible to free myself. 

But I had something he didn‘t, something to give me the advantage here; my dagger. 

And, as quickly as I could, I brought it up... Angling it and... 

“Enough, Aria!” Aleric ordered and he disarmed the knife from me, throwing it as far away as possible.” Enough.” 

It was over. 

“Do it then,” | spat, still wriggling in a futile attempt to escape. “Get it over with. Kill me. Just like my parents, Aleric. Is that the kind of ‘help‘ you had in mind? Is that how you helped them?” 

He growled and pushed my shoulders back down again to try and stop me from struggling. 

“Yes, it is actually!” he said furiously. “That is exactly how I helped them. I saved them!” 

“Stop it!” | screamed back. “You honestly think that what you did helped them? Do you just see their murder as some sort of messed up reversed logic where you‘re actually the hero? I bet that was Thea‘s doing. I bet she made you think that what you did was justi–.” 

“Your parents are alive, Aria!” he shouted, cutting me off. “That‘s what I mean by saving them!” 

Immediately, my body stilled, shocked at what he‘d just told me. 

“No...,” I said. “No, you‘re lying. You‘re just lying so I let my guard down.” 

“Why would I need to do that? I could just finish you off now if I wanted to.” 

“I saw their bodies, Aleric,” I argued. “I saw their blood on you. How can you possibly expect me to believe 


“If you actually saw their blood then tell me... where were their wounds?” 

And I stopped for a second. Had there actually been wounds? I‘d seen their lifeless forms in my mother‘s office but I couldn‘t recall ever seeing where the blood would have come from. I‘d just put two and two together when I saw Aleric‘s hands. 

“That blood belonged to a spy, Aria. Someone posing as one of the warriors,” he continued when I didn‘t answer. “He came down to the office with me when Tytus ordered for your mother to be detained. Except he didn‘t try to bring her in. Instead, he tried to kill her.” 

“Then why were they dead on the ground?” 

“They‘re not dead,” he stressed again. “They just looked that way. After the attack, your father came bursting in, having heard the news about your mother, and found me with the body of the spy. We concluded that he was going to try and frame me for killing your mother... so we let them all think that it worked. If Thea was going after your family then we all agreed it was safer for them to be thought dead rather than alive, or at least until we could remove Tytus for full control. Your mother then quickly dosed your father and herself with a drug to give them the appearance of being deceased; obviously working well enough to fool even you. But they‘re both alive, Aria. Your father has been protecting them in a safe 

Chapter Eighty–Eight 

location outside the pack all these months, waiting for me to give them the okay to come back.” 

I looked at him, battling inside over whether I should believe him or not. On the one hand, I was struggling with how it contradicted what I thought I saw… but on the other hand, I really wanted it to be true. i 

“... Then why wouldn‘t you tell me sooner?” I argued. 

When could I?! When did you even give me the slightest chance to? Ive seen you once in over three months and it was after I was holding yet another spy hostage.” 

“You could have told me then. You could have told me in the cells after she left.” 

“No... no, no, there‘s nothing wrong with me,” I said, wriggling in his grasp. “You‘re wrong. You‘re just being used by Thea. You‘re–.” 

“Fine, you don‘t believe me? You‘re so sure that you‘re fine, right?” he asked and pulled himself back upright, allowing for me to sit up. Risky considering I could have made a run for it. “Just see for yourself then.” 

“Hey! Wwhat are you doing,” I said, trying to pull it back. “Stop.” 

“You‘re eighteen, Aria,” he said as if that was going to make things any clearer. 


...And a cold feeling of dread quickly spread throughout my whole body. 

“Wait... No…,” I whispered in shock and grabbed back at his arm frantically, touching his skin over and over again. “No, no, why can‘t … Why isn‘t it there?” 

“...Where is it?!” I asked, panic filling my voice. “Why can‘t I feel it?!” 

...And a tear fell down my cheek as I held his gaze. 

I hadn‘t thought about it much since I already knew from my prior life that we were mates. I‘d lived four years already knowing he was tied to me so it just felt like any other day. Somehow between everything that happened with Tytus, with my parents, with losing my wolf, with becoming Alpha... it just slipped my mind. Something so important and yet I‘d forgotten in between all the chaos. 

But then why wasn‘t it there? Why couldn‘t I feel it? 

Was I actually sick? 

...And I realised that if I really was the problem, if something really was wrong with me, didn‘t that mean Aleric was maybe telling the truth? Were my parents alive? 

Cai now stood next to us, his expression completely stony as he stared down at me. Almost as though he were looking at a stranger he detested... and I knew instantly this was his doing 


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