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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 93

Seeing the contented smile on Jenks's face encouraged Cassandra to go on with sharing her ideas.

"Nursing homes aren't just a place for elders to kill time. We can build it into a three-bedroom apartment where elders can actually live together, chatting, making friends, and having fun. This will make them feel like they are living in an actual home instead."

Jenks nodded, signalling his approval.

"I need you to work overtime the next few days to finish the design. Even though I'm appointing you to this case, you still have to work hard and deliver a good design to be able to convince the shareholders that you're the right person for this project. Do your best and show them what you've got!"

"Thank you Director Tong for the opportunity! I won't let you down!"

Cassandra appreciated his confidence in her and it solidified her resolve.

As Cassandra packed her things to leave, Dylon stood up and said, "Father, I'd like to walk Cassandra out."

He then left the office with Cassandra.

"Can we have a walk together?"

Dylon asked as he sighed to himself.

The usual smile on Dylon's face was replaced by a concerned look, alerting Cassandra that something was upsetting him.

"What's wrong? You don't look like your usual self,"

Cassandra asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

Dylon had saved her life in the past, so her heart aches as the once cheerful Dylon was now wrapped in worry. She decided to try and take some pressure off his shoulders.

"I was planning to tell my father that I'll be going away for a trip next week. But I don't have the heart to hurt his feelings, he works so hard at this old age,"

Dylon confessed with a rueful look on his face as his mind went into turmoil.

Cassandra suddenly recalled what Jenks said to her the other night, "My son doesn't want to take over the family business and just keeps to his interest... He wants to go to the tropical forests, the grasslands, and the deserts. He brought his camera equipment and stayed there for months at a time..."

In the past, Cassandra was able to persuade Jenks to accept his son's hobbies and cheer up. Maybe he would change his mind one day and grant his father's wishes.

But the truth was that Dylon really wasn't interested in all about the family business. Jenks had no other choice but to find a new successor which was very difficult for him. He worked all his life in the hospital. How could he hand it over to anyone else other than his son?

He wanted Dylon to take it over. No one else.

But, to avoid fighting with his own son, he did not force the job upon him. This was why Dylon was able to stick to his hobbies all those years.

Cassandra thought about what to say for a minute. She composed herself then said, "Dylon, I have to tell you something. Let's go to the aisle over there."

The serious expression on Cassandra's face told Dylon that what she had to say was very important. So he didn't ask any questions and simply walked with her to the aisle.

As summer was coming to an end, the crepe myrtle bushes had all but gone. It was now very comfortable to bath under the sunshine during the warm afternoon.

"Dylon, what I'm about to say should stay between you and me. Please keep this a secret if you value me as your friend,"

Cassandra said in earnest and Dylon nodded at her approvingly.

"Of course I will keep your secret! Don't worry about it, Cassandra."

Cassandra gathered her thoughts for a minute and started telling Dylon her story.

She recounted how her family business went bankrupt so her parents married her to Lionel as a trade-off to help the family. She then told him her dream and the dilemma she was trapped in, essentially repeating what she said to his father the other day.

Dylon's face slowly became serious as he listened to Cassandra's story and his eyes softened a bit.

Cassandra shrugged as she finished her story.

"You see, everyone has their own struggles. But we all have the right to choose the life we want the same as you have the right to refuse to take over your family business.

Even though my husband doesn't like me, I never regret marrying him. Because I did it for my parents. They brought me to the world and raised me up. I can't ignore them to chase my own dreams.

My parents are getting older by the day. I need to grit my teeth and take whatever life has to give because we simply just can't lose the Qing group."

Cassandra felt a sudden rush of relief as the words left her mouth.


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