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A Mysterious Man novel Chapter 146

Lora looks unhappy when she hears the first question. And Kevin’s intentional provocation makes it worse.

“Oh, right. Lora, your chairman, is in serious debt. Of course, we won’t help her pay it off. So, you guys want to cast your votes to her or me? What about....”

Everyone present understands what is going on before Kevin finishes the sentence. So, they all make the sensible decision to vote for Kevin.

“That’s very good. Then, Ms. Lora, could you please leave because we are going to hold a formal meeting.”

Kevin says calmly, “Lewis, go and get the security guards.”

“No need.”

Lora forces out two words and leaves without looking back.

The secretary on the side looks at Lora and Kevin, not knowing what to do.

“Wait in the office first,” Lewis understands her dilemma and says.

The secretary nods, assuming that Lewis might be a good guy.

When there is no outsider in the office, Kevin settles to business.

“My purpose in buying this company is very simple. It’s a gift for my wife. It was hers to begin with, so I can’t leave it in other people’s hands.”

As he speaks, the directors realize that his wife is Sunny, who was driven away by Lora and her daughter.

“Yes, yes, yes. Mr. Kevin is absolutely right. That kind of person should be taught a lesson.”

Lora stands on the roof, somewhat at a loss. Her job is someone else’s now.

Lost in thought, she receives a phone call.

“Mr. Ryan, I....”

Before she can say anything, the man on the phone interrupts her, “I heard that you were kicked out of the board. How pitiful. Hurry up and pay me back the money. How unlucky. If you can’t get the money, watch out for yourself.”

Before Lora can speak, the guy hangs up the phone after giving her a deadline.

The wind grows stronger.

Lora glances at the tall building beneath her feet and feels dizzy. Then, as if thinking of something, she closes her eyes and jumps.

Sunny is busy in the hospital today. For some reason, a lot of people are sent in. They get here from car accidents and suicides by way of jumping out of a building, etc.

Sunny looks at the figure lying on the stretcher and feels somewhat familiar. Is that…?

Suddenly, her phone rings.


“Sunny? Are you Sunny?”

It is a man’s voice.

“Yes. What’s wrong?”

The man sounds panicky. “Your mother jumped off a building. But it had nothing to do with me. Please don’t come looking for me again. That’s all.”

Then he hangs up.

She jumped?

Sunny thoughtfully glances at the figure that has just arrived. Is she here? What a coincidence.

But she doesn’t have a mother.

Kevin calls shortly afterwards. She doesn’t know where he is, but she can hear a noise in the background and also the wind.

“Sunny, where are you?”

She answers, “I’m in the hospital. Where else can I be?”

Knowing that Sunny is in the hospital, Kevin heaves a sigh of relief, saying, “Did you receive any strange calls?”

Strange calls? The phone call just now comes to her mind.

“Yes, there is one. I wonder who it was.”

Kevin sounds nervous, “What did he say to you?”

“He said that my mother jumped off a building, and that he didn’t have anything to do with it. Is that hilarious? I don’t even have a mother anymore. Why would someone say that?”

Sunny is speaking with a smile, but then her expression freezes before she can finish the sentence, because she suddenly remembers that she does have a mother.

“Where are you now?”

With a hunch, she asks that, although it sounds like she is being controlling.

“I ... I’m at your company.” Hesitating for a while, Kevin decides to tell her the truth.

Sunny is surprised. “What are you doing there?”

Kevin says, “It’s about what Lewis told you on the phone today. I planned to tell you tonight, but something happened, so....”

Sunny nods. “Then what happened?”

Kevin stammers, “It’s Lora. She jumped off the building.”


Only then does Sunny understand what that phone call means. “She really did that? Where?”

Kevin can’t hide it any longer, so he tells her straightforwardly, “I bought her company. She is in debt and can’t pay it off. That’s why she chose to end her life this way. She should be in your hospital now, because it is the closest.”

Her real mother committed suicide because of Lora. But now that Lora has done the same thing, Sunny feels something for her, but she doesn’t know why.

“Then I’ll check on her. She should be undergoing surgery.”


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