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A Pigeon Pair: Sweetheart, Let's Get Married novel Chapter 170

Everly felt that Maverick's explanation was no big deal and very reasonable.

Everyone has friends. No matter what relationships, they knew each other before meeting Everly. It was unreasonable to ask them not to contact each other.

It was too unreasonable.

It was her problem to be jealous. Didn't Maverick explain everything to her?

She suppressed the sigh and nodded, "I know. I am not angry. Don't worry."

"Kiss me."

Maverick tapped the corner of his lips.

Everly didn't have any thoughts at that moment. But if she didn't kiss Maverick, he would probably think that she was jealous.

Everly adjusted her emotions and leaned over to kiss him, but it was a gentle kiss.

Maverick was not satisfied with it. When Everly was about to retreat, he take the initiative. He didn't let Everly off and became crazy.

Everly was not interested in it at the beginning. Moreover, there was a child downstairs, and it was daylight. It's really...

Maverick felt that she was not in a good state and worked even harder. Maverick knew her feeling. Everly was soon begged for mercy. Maverick felt satisfied.


It was not until evening that Jayden called for the third time. Maverick ate and drank, and changed his clothes. Then he left the villa.

Everly was too tired. She could not wake up. She wanted to persuade herself to wake up several times, but it useless.

Before Maverick left, he had already told servants not disturb Everly and let them take care of the child.

So, Everly slept until midnight.

When opened her eyes, she realized that it was already dawn.

There was a WeChat message from Maverick half an hour ago, telling her that he had arrived.

Everly replied: "Ok."

There was no reply from Maverick. She thought that Maverick was busy. She threw her phone on the bedside table and sat quietly for a while. She couldn't fall asleep. She got off the bed and surfed the Internet for a while.

Sarah's matter was still stuck. It was said that the police had been investigating.

Everly just went online and found that the night owl Beth was still online.

Beth sent a message first.

[You're online so late? ]

Everly replied with a smile [You too. ]

Beth [I'm ready offline. I was browsing the news for a while. Have you seen it? The police suddenly said that they had a suspect about Sarah's case. ]

Everly [You pay more attention than I do. I really don't notice it. Today... ah, it should be yesterday. It was Edmond and Candy's birthday. ]


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