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A Promising Youth novel Chapter 19

In the same place, I wrote all the materials I needed on a piece of paper and handed them to a man so he could prepare them for me.

Jim and Director Lau went to another workshop. Clara did not follow. I thought he had already despaired.

I closed my eyes for half a minute and threw away all the other thoughts. I put all the dyeing procedures into consideration, and then got is started.

Dye mixing, temperature control, adding accessories, cleaning and drying. I only took half an hour to dye three feet of ‘General Grey’.

When I was back in the office again, Jim had not come back.

A man called Director Lau and said.

“Director, Matteo had finished it. How's it going on with Jim?”


No way.

Jim said he's still short of several rare auxiliaries and someone is sending them here. He had not yet begun dyeing!

“I can make it without those kinds of auxiliaries. Don’t I win?”

Taking a long breath, I leaned back against the desk and said.

Five minutes later, Jim came back in a rage, and with his teeth bared, he screamed at me.

“You liar, without those materials, how can you dye ‘General Grey’? Did Clara give you another piece of cloth?”

Without waiting for me to speak, the leader with me immediately said.

“We personally watched Matteo dye. Young man, watch your mouth!”

“Where is the cloth he dyed?

If it's really General Grey, I'll jump straight off the building!”

Jim glared and pointed at me viciously.

“Deal. Sign the papers and you'll pay me 50 million if you don't jump off the building!”

I stared at him too. I would not forgive people who forced Clara and me!

As Jim was about to agree, Director Lau said,

“Enough. Death could not be caused! Matteo, where's your cloth?”

I threw the cloth directly onto the table and said coldly.


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