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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Yeva was blinded by rage. With her hands held high, she was confident that Sage would be badly injured.

However, it was as if Sage had eyes at the back of her head, she tilted her head just as the vase would have made contact. She turned around and grabbed Yeva’s hand, which still clutched the vase.

Immediately after that, the vase had somehow ended up in Sage’s hands. Leaving Yeva no time to react, Sage landed a hard slap on Yeva’s right cheek, causing her to fall to the ground with a screech of pain. “Aaah!”

Yeva felt slightly dizzy before feeling the burning sensation on her right cheek. She could not bring herself to get back on her feet.

“How dare you?!”

With a cold expression Sage threw the vase to the floor, and, with a loud bang, the vase shattered. Yeva curled up and yelled another terrified scream as she covered her ears.

Sage, on the other hand, approached her. Yeva inched back as Sage advanced. Eventually, her back was against the wall, and she stared at Sage, terrified. “You… don’t come any closer…”

“Weren’t you just about to attack me a few minutes ago? Giving up already?”

Sage reached out her hand and Yeva thought that she was going to hit her again so she closed her eyes tightly. However, Sage had only intended to mess her hair.

“You are a cousin that I was fond of, and I’m sure that I had never treated you badly. So, tell me why you hate me to the point that you and Julian came up with a plan to get rid of me?”

It was only after that did Yeva open her eyes and stared into Sage’s eyes. Then, she scoffed, “You really don’t know, do you?”

Sage studied Yeva carefully. She knew that there must be a reason for Yeva’s hatred.

Staring at Sage, who still looked beautiful under the dim yellow light, Yeva was slowly engulfed with jealousy and resentment. So shocked was she, that she was unable to say what she felt.

“You, me, and Leah, we’re supposed to be cousins, but how did we grow up in very different environments? Your dad is the chairman of Norah Group, and you are your parents’ only child. You were their precious little girl, the apple of their eyes. They made sure to give you everything that you want; everything that you asked for. They hired a private tutor when you didn’t want to go to school, and they even bought an entire rose garden just because you like roses. Everyone in Salem City knows of you, but what about me? My parents had divorced when I was still very young, and my dad was a mere manager at a state-run company. All my clothes were your hand-me-downs.”

Yeva started crying as she went on, “We are all daughters of the Norah family. So, why is it that you get to live your best life while I’m stuck in that poor situation?”

Even after Yeva had explained herself, Sage still could not seem to comprehend her logic. She frowned and said, “So, you’re saying that I’m to blame?”

It seemed to her that her care for Yeva had been interpreted as mere charity.

“Your biggest mistake was rejecting Julian Jefferson!”

Yeva wiped away her tears and pulled up a smug smile. “You didn’t expect us to get together, huh? You rejecting him is your loss. Julian is going to inherit the Jefferson family, and all the girls in Salem City are lining up to marry him. They are desperate to marry him. Only you, Sage Norah, have had the guts to reject him! I bet that you are not aware that I’m going to marry him soon, and I’ll be Mrs. Jefferson. Plus, the Jefferson Group is much more influential than the Norah Group!”

“What a waste of time indeed. Why do I even bother?”

Sage shook her head helplessly. Yeva did not give her the answer she was expecting.

Sage blamed herself for asking.

She then looked at Yeva and said, “Is someone like him even worth your time? Once you get married to him, please do address yourself as Mrs. Jefferson instead of going around telling people that you’re a member of the Norah family. I don’t want to be embarrassed for you.”

In the study room of the Yuriel family’s old residence, the conversation between Grandpa Yuriel and Jace had escalated.

“If you are still determined to marry Sienna Zelda, go ahead; but don’t invite me to your wedding. I don’t want to be embarrassed!”


Jace’s grandpa then left the room.


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