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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Leah curiously asked Sage too, “How did you guess it?”

“Easy. She ran off to her lover after a night of grievances.” Sage said as she smirked, “Sadly, she went to the wrong guy. I’m quite certain she’s going to have another episode of grievance.”

Leah blinked her eyes and looked at Kane all confused, “What does it mean?”

Kane, looking as confused as Leah, asked, “Yeah, what do you mean, Sage?” Sage put jam on a piece of toast. He’s a cheater, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Yeva hobbled towards Julian’s apartment, hands on her waist as she cursed.


She was sleepless the whole night from the pain she got from being spanked a hundred times by Sage. Her buttocks were flared u p; it was as red as a beetroot. She couldn’t even pull up her jeans and resorted to wearing a dress instead. –

She tried tidying herself up as she was prepared to act pity in front of Julian, but he didn’t even pick up any of her calls.

Yeva was almost stopped by the security guards at his apartment lobby.


It was no surprise. Yeva’s white dress was soiled to a dirty gray, as though she had rolled in the mud. The comers of her dress had a huge slit as it was tom by the metal rods by her window, revealing her panties underneath.


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