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A Second Chance At Forever novel (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

The check was kinda hard, so it hurt when it scraped against her face

She stood still for a few seconds, then bent down silently to pick up the check

When she saw the amount on it, the bitterness in her mouth deepened

Five years for five billion. Well worth it

Five years ago, she really needed the money

But now, she didn’t

Eleanor calmly placed the check back on 

the car

Mr. Laurence, you are really loaded. But if I take your money, I can’t marry into the Caporal family with a clear conscience.” 

What she meant was, compared to Ms. Caporal’s position, this five billion was peanuts

Taking his money, on the other hand, would impact her chances of marrying into wealth

It wasn’t until this moment that Bernard understood the reason she didn’t want a cent from him she had plans to marry into high 


All the doubts in his heart disappeared. When he looked at her again, he saw a stranger, emotionless

Eleanor, from now on, never appear before me again.” 

Eleanor just shrugged and chuckled, Don’t worry, I won’t.” 

She never had the chance to appear before him again because there was no future for her

Her deep love for him would also be buried in the grave with time, no one would ever know… 

In Bernard’s private estate, the assistant parked the car at the entrance, and Cedric quickly got out

He was just about to go inside the villa to look for Bernard when a Koenigsegg pulled into the garden

A tall man stepped out of the car

He was tall and wellproportioned, his body flawless

His entire demeanor exuded an air of superiority, accompanied by a potent oppressive force that deterred people from approaching

Even Cedric, seeing such a Bernard, would feel a bit jittery, let alone his opponents

Adjusting his mood, Cedric approached Bernard

Bernard, you’re back?” 

He actually wanted to ask Bernard where he had been since he had left Midnight Bar before him but arrived home later

Seeing Bernard’s unhappy face, though, he didn’t dare ask

Bernard ignored him and strode past him into the villa

The maid, who had already been waiting in the hallway, saw him coming and quickly bowed, respectfully greeting him

Bernard took off his suit jacket, untied his tie, handed it to the maid, and walked to the bar

He picked up two highend wine glasses, poured some decanted red wine into them, and turned to give one to Cedric who had followed

What’s up?” 

Cedric seldom came to his private villa, so there must be something he wanted to say if he was here this late

Taking the wine, Cedric eyed him and saw his face wasn’t as bad as before, so he boldly spoke up

Did Ms. Shultz offend you before?” 

It was the first time Cedric had seen the usually gentlemanly Bernard douse a woman with alcohol

Bernard shot him a cold glance, Don’t ask what you shouldn’t.” 

Cedric wasn’t angry when scolded. Instead, he smiled, Is she your mistress?” 

He knew his cousin had a mistress, but he’d never seen her

If it hadn’t been for his unusual behavior tonight, Cedric might never have known who that woman was

Bernard looked at him with deep, cold 


What do you 

want to say?” 


Bernard targeting Eleanor so 

Cedric had originally planned to probe a little more, but seeing 

Putting away his gentle smile, Cedric asked seriously: Have 

When he 

much at Midnight 



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