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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 59

Bruce just came in with George, he was watching Diana. When he found Lennox, who was following Sally, he changed countenance. Lennox didn’t know Bruce, but he met George before. Like Shaw Family, George’s company was also a local enterprise which had been developed in recent years. Actually George’s social prestige was higher than Old Lady Shaw.

And George’s company was merged into Ray Group not long ago. Now he worked with Ray Group, and his prestige rose. At thought of this, Lennox’s expression changed and stood up abruptly.

As George was working for Ray Group, who could be the man behind him? It could only be the president of Ray Group Bruce in N city.

At this moment, he saw Bruce was talking with Diana happily, he couldn’t calm instantly.

“What’s wrong? Lennox, what are you fussing about?” Old Lady Shaw shot a glance at Lennox.

Lennox whispered, “Mom, George is here.”

Old Lady Shaw hurried to ask, “Where is he?”

When Old Lady Shaw asked his son, George already walked in front of her. George laughed, “I don’t know today is your birthday. I’m sorry. I just saw you when I went downstairs. I didn’t prepare present for you. What I can do is to say ‘happy birthday’, and hope your company better and better.”

Old Lady Shaw smiled and held George’s arm, “Thank you. How could our small business compare with your company? I heard your company had been emerged into Ray Group. And your company must have a bright future.”

As she talked, Old Lady Shaw asked Lennox to get up and offered his seat. Old Lady Shaw herself dragged George beside the table, “Please come here, and let’s have some drinks tonight. Please take care of Shaw Family in the future.”

George was startled to hear what Old Lady Shaw said. Didn’t she see Bruce following Diana and talking with Diana politely? And who was Diana? She was Mr. Ray’s wife.

How could Old Lady Shaw ask him to take care of Shaw Family? He didn’t have that strength or balls to do that.

George shook his hand as soon as he thought of this. He kept a low profile, “Please don’t say that! I was really overwhelmed by what you said. How could I take care of you? It’s Shaw Family that would help me in the future.”

George was all of cold sweat.

Old Lady Shaw thought George was joked. But his expression was not like that. For a moment, Old Lady Shaw was confused. She asked in doubt, “I don’t understand why did you say that? How could our small company help you?”

George took a deep look at Old Lady Shaw. He finally was aware that people in Shaw Family didn’t know the identity of Mr. Ray.

George didn’t say any word for the moment. Old Lady Shaw was old but clever. She was surer that there were some hidden things she didn’t know.

At the moment, Lennox walked to George. He asked in low voice, “Mr. George, Excuse me for my abrupt questions. The man just came with you, is he Mr. Hill of Ray Group?”

George nodded, “Yes, that’s him. What’s wrong?”

Old Lady Shaw turned around after she heard what George said. She found a man was sitting beside Diana. The man was behaved and dressed well, with good temperament.


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