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A Vengeful Girl novel Chapter 124

"I know I did. But killing isn't the best way to torture her."

Said Adam, touching her pretty face. Looking down at her skimpy cat-girl outfit, he suddenly felt a surge of sexual desire.

He was reluctant to let her go.

But he had to send her to Charles very soon. It's a pity, he had invested a lot of effort into training her.

"Then what will you do, Master?" asked Lisa curiously.

Lisa still despised Linda, so she wanted to know about the whole plan.

To her surprise, Adam got a dark look in his eyes and shoved her to the ground. He walked over to slap her.

The stinging slap left a handprint on her face. She felt horrified. She lay on the ground and stayed still, begging Adam for mercy. "I'm so sorry, Master! I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

Over the past few days, Lisa has grown accustomed to his shifting moods. When he was in a good mood, he treated her as a beloved pet, never spoiling her enough. But when he was like this, he would hit and kick her. The abuses were frequent. At times, he would drug her and refused to relieve her from the pain when the drug took effect. Sometimes, it hurt so badly that she wished she were dead.

Though she was frightened no less than before, she didn't shed a tear this time. From the bottom of her heart, she knew that no one would come to her rescue.

Her mother was the person who loved her the most in this world. But now, she had gone to jail because of Linda. To get her mother out, she could only turn to Adam for help.

Although she hated him, she had to please him for her mother's sake.

"Tell me your mistake." Adam lifted his head a little, casting a side-glance at her. The warmness reappeared in his eyes.

Lisa knew how moody this guy was. Though he was gentle now, she knew his mood could shift in an instant.

"I shouldn't doubt your decision and ask so many questions. Master will arrange everything for my revenge." She said dutifully.

"Yes, that's my good girl. Here's some good news for you. Your mother called me to say that she was doing fine in jail."

Lisa had the tendency to ask a lot of questions.

She wanted to know when her mother could get out, and when he could help her with her revenge. But she wouldn't dare say a word now. Now that Adam was being agreeable, she decided to keep quiet. Besides, she had no other choice but to stay imprisoned here.

She knew she was just a pet for him.

Actually, May Shen did call Adam with the cellphone Johnson had given her.

She had already lost interest in him, so she wanted to call Adam to get updates about her daughter the moment she got the phone.

In the past, she told Lisa to turn to him for help. She believed that with their intimate relationship, Adam would definitely take good care of her daughter. If not for him, she would be worried to see her pregnant daughter wandering from place to place.


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