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A Vengeful Girl novel Chapter 132

Tears welled up in Lisa's eyes.

But she did not scream. She was afraid her scream would make Adam angrier and she would suffer more.

"Well, that's much prettier. Don't you think so?" Adam asked.

"Yes, master!" Lisa Xia clenched her teeth with great pain. But Adam seemed to be pitiless.

Lisa could never ever forget the sharp pain.

"You look like a little fox now. How about nicknaming you little fox?" Adam asked.

Lisa Xia thought about it for a while. She was not happy with the nickname. But showing her unhappiness was meaningless. She didn't have the courage to defy Adam. She knew that defiance would only lead to more torture – both physically and mentally.

"You are the boss", she muttered.

Though she used to be arrogant, she was not an idiot. She knew that Adam was not actually asking for her approval.

Any mistake? would incur more suffering.

"Good girl." said Adam Huo, casting a satisfactory glance at her. Recent training has readied her for masochism. It's time he started to act on it.

Robert Huo was not in any haste, slowly enjoying his delicacy. He waited until when Lisa could not stand the agony anymore and then ordered.

"Get down from the table."

"Thank you, master."

Lisa Xia climbed down the table in relief, but she did not relax. She sat still on her knees tamely beside Adam Huo.

"Since you behaved well recently, I would like to send you to Charles. How would you like to stay around him?" said Adam Huo, touching Lisa Xia's face.

"Stay around Master Mu? He terribly hates me..." Lisa looked awkward and said hesitantly.

"So what?" retorted Adam.

"Master, are you saying that...", Lisa stammered.

Adam Huo laughed gently in a pleasant voice, which horrified Lisa. "The one he hates is Lisa Xia, not Linda Xia."

His words confused Lisa Xia. She couldn't understand him.

It seemed he was thinking about something interesting. The pleasure in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Take it easy, my little fox. I will help you become the Young Lady of the Mu clan. Don't you want to marry Charles Mu?"

For days on end, Linda had been reviewing chemistry lessons at home. She wanted to find a job because staying at home was too boring. She has not yet been accustomed to the rich and trouble-free life. She wanted to work to enrich her life.

For Charles, everything looked just the same as before. He went to the company for work every morning, returned home for lunch and then took a walk with her. Sometimes he went back to the company. Sometimes he didn't.

When she finally felt well-prepared, she asked Bun to send her resume for job interviews. She didn't want to rely on Charles to find a job.

If Charles recommended her for a job, no senior high school would say no to him.

But Linda didn't want to create the impression of an unqualified teacher!

Therefore, she decided to find a job?on her own.


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