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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Tm worried about you, John. Just let me take you home.

Natalie held onto the mans arm and blinked coquettishly at him. If he were to reject her again, even after I spoke on Natalie’s behalf, it would definitely arouse her suspicion

Thus, he didn’t refuse this time and agreed to have Natalie send him home. After the two of them left. I settled the bill and took a taxi back to Natalie’s house.

As I was officially starting work the next day. I made sure to prepare everything! needed in advance, lest I ended up lale on my first day

Glancing at the wall clock. I noticed that it was already mine. I assumed that Natalie would be back home late and prepared to call it a night.

However, the front door opened moments after and Natalie walked in. Upon seeing her back so soon, a frown formed between my brows and I made my way toward her.

“Why are you back 50 soon? Why didn’t you spend more quality time with your boyfriend7 | draped an arm over her

shoulder and teased

“He said he’s tired. He told me to go home before I could even go upstairs with him. Anna, did I do something wrong? Otherwise, why was he so cold to me Today?”

Natalie raised her head to look at me with

a dejected look on her face

After hearing what she said, rage surged in my heart once again. Tired” is just an excuse. He probably feels guilty, that’s why!

And this silly girl thinks she did something wrong when it’s clearly thar priek who’s cheating on her

I took a deep breath to quell my rage. I already gave John a wavring earlier today. If he changes, then all is wo. But if I find out he’s playing with Natalie’s feelings. Y never let him off the hook

“What are you talking about, Natalie? Do you know how hard it is to find a girlfriend who is as lund and sweet as you? John is lucky to have you as his girlfriend, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Natalie usually seemed unconcerned, she

was, in fact, kind and very loyal to her friends. All in all, she was a very likeable person.

“Well, this is a first. I don’t recall you ever praising me like thai before.”

My words seemed to work like a charm as made her break into a pretty smile.

“I have some advice for you. Pay closer attention to John from now on. Observe him and his demeanor more.”

Worried that she would put her whole heart into this relationship. I couldn’t help myself from giving her a reminder. If John didn’t change, she would be the one who got hurt, and that was the last thing | wanted to see

“What’s that supposed to mean, Anna7 You don’t believe he truly loves me? Your previous relationships musi’ve scarred you Preily badly for you to be this cynical.”

Natalie looked at me with amusement, not taking my advice seriously whatsoever.

Perhaps she was already convinced that John Loved her and that the two of them would live happily ever after.

Natalie seemed to realize that she had slipped up and ripped the band-aid off my wound. She wanted to say something, but I didn’t give her the chance to speak and directly went back to my room.

I already mowd on, vowing tö never cry over a scumbag because it just wasn’t worth it. The most important thing for me right then was to work hard so that my parents could live a good life in the countryside

types of medication for his weak heart. Thus, my only priority was to focus on my career and make more money.

After joining Joylul Success, my life went back on track as I threw myself into work

canceled so abruptly, my dad’s heart condition worsened from the shock Since then, he had to take even more drugs than before, and according to the doctor, the best solution was to get a heart stent surgery

The problem was that the cost of the surgery was at least two hundred thousand. There was also the post-surgery treatment to consider, and my family didn’t have that sort of money.

My parents gave me life and raised me for so many years, so it was impossible for me to stand by and watch as my father waited for death to claim him. Hence, was determined to make enough money to help him to get through this ordeal.


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