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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 192

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 192

Asher grew still in his seat, chiseled from stone as he stared at Clara with a blank expression on his face. “How do you know this?”

“They probably promised him power in exchange for his help, and like the dumbass he is, he accepted.” Zeke muttered under his breath. “They were probably going to k**l him off once they got what they wanted.”

“Yeah. Me.” I swallowed, glancing at him. “They would’ve used my magic, I’m sure of it.”

“When you two were fighting, he had a witch using magic on you. I sent Mason off to find her, but he didn’t have any luck. Chances are she was being protected and whoever was doing the protecting pulled her out the minute you won, which shouldn’t have happened, by the way.” Clara replied to Asher’s question, leaning back in her chair.

I swallowed the knot of unease in my stomach at the thought of Asher losing. “What do you mean it shouldn’t have happened?”

Clara looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Your mate should be d**d, but he isn’t and I don’t know why.”

“What-” Zeke sputtered, his eyes going wide. “What do you mean he should be d**d? I’ve seen Alpha Bran fight dozens of times, there’s no way he should’ve been able to beat him. There isn’t a single Alpha that can one up Asher. H**l, even I only stand a couple minutes against him before I tap out.”

“The magic that witch was working should’ve weakened him until he couldn’t fight anymore. At that point, I assume Alpha Bran would’ve y’know…ended things.” Clara winced, her eyes flickering to where I sat.

I felt a rumbling in my chest and realized I’d been growling. Both Maya and I hated the thought of that a*****e using magic against an Alpha he challenged himself. Not only was it disrespectful, but cheating like that was grounds for an immediate disqualification. Also commonly referred to as an e*******n.

Clara held up her hands in an act of surrender, “Look, if I had the power, I would’ve stopped the b***h. If Mason had gotten his claws on her, I would’ve zapped her into next week. That being said, the witches magic didn’t work on Asher. If it had, he’d be d**d.”

“No one’s blaming you. Alpha Bran was known for being a coward. I think it’s just a bit shocking he stooped as low as working with the witches.” Mason said quietly, his words directed to Clara.

If I’d been paying more attention to Mason rather than what Clara had said, I would’ve noticed the way his tone softened when he spoke to her and how there was an obvious lack of hostility in his voice that hadn’t been there before.

“Her magic didn’t work on Asher?” I blurted the question out loud, not expecting any sort of response.

“Sure, didn’t. Alpha Bran seemed surprised at that fact.” She replied.

Zeke chimed in, “That’s why he looked so d**n shell-shocked?” He chuckled. “I thought it was because Asher had just put him on his a*s.”

“I’m sure he wasn’t too happy about that part, but that wasn’t why he looked like his eyes were gonna pop out of his head. No, someone used magic on your mate and that’s what kept him safe from Alpha Bran’s witchy ally.” Clara nodded, her tone confident. Clearly, she’d thought this through and after analyzing each and every alternative, the only answer she could come up with is that someone else had protected Asher.


Suddenly, all eyes were on me. Even Mason had stopped mid-sentence to tilt his head and peer at me curiously. Clara shifted in her seat, leaning forward.

“Now, my intuition ain’t that great, but if I didn’t know any better, you look like you just figured something out.” She said pointedly, tapping one of her manicured nails on the surface of the table.

“So, uh-I kinda, sorta did a protection spell on you.” I cringed at the sound of my own voice, and waited for Asher’s reaction.

He tilted his head, and if I didn’t know any better, I swore he looked almost… impressed?

“You put a protection spell on me?” He repeated.

I nodded, nibbling on my lower lip as I fought the urge to look away. A quick glance around the room told me how everyone was feeling, but there was one face I purposefully skipped over. Clara looked at me like she couldn’t tell if I were a genius or an idiot, while Mason and Zeke had identical looks of surprise.


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