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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209

I didn’t have to be linked to Zeke to feel his hurt. Even if he did hide it perfectly, it was there just beneath the surface, bubbling and festering away like an open wound. Things between Asher and I weren’t always perfect, and I knew from experience how badly it could hurt to be cast aside by your mate.

Zeke didn’t dignify her with a response. He shook his head ruefully and left the room. When he emerged into the observation room, he made a beeline for the door and left without a word. The urge to storm in there and smack the hell out of her was strong, so strong that I had to take a few deep breaths to keep calm.

‘Zeke interviewed Tessa. He just left, so you might run into him.‘ I mind–linked Asher, giving him a heads up before he found out some other way.

Asher’s disappointment trickled down the bond, mixed with his concern for Zeke.

‘She didn’t tell him anything, did she?‘

‘No, she didn’t. She actually said that she’d prefer torture over having to talk to him.‘ I scoffed, glaring at the witch through the double–paned glass.

“If you’re going to stand there and glare at me, you might as well come inside and do it to my face.” Tessa called out, her voice crackling through the speakers mounted in the corners of the room. Who knows, maybe I’ll tell you a secret or two. You wouldn’t imagine the information I’ve got locked in my head.”

I had almost given into her obvious goading, seconds away from storming in there to defend Zeke. Even with her egging me on by holding what she knew

over my head, the way she phrased it made me pause. It was the inspiration for a plan, one that required someone specific for it to work.

‘Hey, Asher. You‘re on your way here, right?‘ I called out, tapping my foot impatiently.

Tessa continued to talk, but I easily tuned her out. She wasn‘t as vicious and condescending as her twin. Her attempts to piss me off were mediocre and half hearted at best.

‘Yeah, I‘m a couple minutes out. Did you need me to bring anything?‘ He replied.

Actually, I do. Pick up Zeke and Rowena and bring them here. I‘ve got a plan.‘

“I‘m sorry, you want me to what?” Rowena questioned, her eyebrows lifting.

She smoothed out the flowy dress she wore and lowered herself into one of the metal chairs in the observation room. Zeke sat to her left; his face carved into a permanent scowl.

“I want to know if it’s possible for you to use your magic to get into Tessa’s head.”

Chapter 209

I repeated. “You’re a Natural, so your magic comes from all things living and organic, right? In theory, it should be possible.”

“Well, you’re right about that. It should be, but I won’t know for sure without seeing the witch first. I need to know how powerful she is mentally.” Rowena replied.

I glanced over at Asher, who nodded in silent agreement.

“Follow me.” I said, gesturing to the cell door.

The four of us entered Tessa’s small cell, circling the cot she now sat on. For good measure, Asher bound her wrists and secured them to the bar bolted onto the wall. It was just a precaution considering

Rowena would have to touch her to work her magic. Tessa didn’t seem like the volatile type, but we couldn’t risk her trying to physically attack one of us.

Chapter 209

Rowena’s eyes became unfocused as she stood over Tessa, three of her fingers pressed against the younger witch’s forehead. Her lips were pursed with concentration as the tingle of magic filled the air. A few minutes passed when she stood and straightened her spine.

“So, I can slip into her mind.” She stated, but the way she trailed off made it seem as though she was leaving something out.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one that felt that way.

“Why does it feel like there should be a ‘ but‘ at the end of that?” Zeke grunted, keeping his eyes anywhere other than

Tessa’s face.

“It’s not going to be easy. She’s strong not only physically, but mentally. I’m

going to need Lola to use her magic to subdue her and make her compliant. It will be daunting considering you not only need to subdue her physical body, but her

mind too.” Rowena explained, wincing as swiveled her head to Zeke. “I‘m not going to lie, it‘s...it‘s going to be risky for you. Since she‘s your mate and there‘s a connection between you two, there‘s a chance that by rummaging around in her head, I end up harming yours. Simply put, the worse case scenario is that I fry your mind.”

Well, shit. My stomach dropped to the floor between my feet.


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