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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 64

  "What? Did you think I didn't know? James and Caleb found out about your stupid little plan against that village you and Joseph made us attack a few years ago. But thanks to Tasha, and her great sense of hearing, I was able to understand all of your evil plots. It's been you all along. You hate me so much, for no reason, that you'd take over a poor defenseless body just to see your stupid plan go through!" She narrows her eyes and glares at her through her darkened eyes. 


  Hazel, has finally awakened. But to Carrie's surprise, the third being inside of Selene that she had evilly planted inside her to make sure she could finish off Selene, has now turned against her and is willing to fight in Selene's defense.


  Carrie is still sure she has the upper hand. All she has to do is order Amber to merge through and obligate Selene to end her own life with the only weapon capable to do it, Blake’s dagger. She's sure that the old man was fool enough to give it to him to fight this battle, and if she can get Selene to take it, she can order Amber to kill her by piercing it through her very own flesh.


  "Wipe that stupid smile off your face little girl. I have always had the upper hand against you. It doesn't matter how many times we do this, I will always win. You will always end up dead, then, like usual routine, Blake will lose control of seeing your lifeless body, go on a ranting spree killing everyone in front of him until he is taken down and killed as well. and you want to know what's even better?" She nears Selene whispering by her ear.


  Selene looks at her with concern that she may be right. "I Will then kill the rest, your brother, Damian, Harou, the man you probably don't remember fighting by your husband's side right now; and I will take as much of the blood samples as I want from all of you for my own little experiments." She chuckles and takes a few steps back away from Selene.


  "You're sick you know that?" Selene sneers at her with her hands fisted and jaw clenched.


  "Oh, on the contrary darling. I am more than sane. And if I am not successful with my experiments again before I finish off your blood, I will have my friend bring you and your friends back again one more time, again and again, until I get it right."


  "get what right exactly Carrie? What the hell is so important to you that you've become this sick person? That-"


  "Watch it! I will not tolerate for you to call me sick or crazy! I will have my revenge on your mother, and my sisters for tossing me out of our realm."


  Selene looks at her puzzled, unable to comprehend what she is ranting about. 


  "But enough chit-chat. It's time to bring your life to an end. I'm tired of waiting around for you and Blake to reunite your bond and remember who you two truly are. The less you remember, the better on my behalf." She sneers at Selene, bringing her sword forward and striking it across Selene's body, though Selene is fast, she is not fast enough this time. Carrie cuts her over her arm, making a big cut across Selene's forearm.

Chapter 64 In The Nick Of Time-2 1

Chapter 64 In The Nick Of Time-2 2

Chapter 64 In The Nick Of Time-2 3


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