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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 62

Chapter One: Bali

Holding the handle of my suitcase, I looked back at my small house which I was so gonna miss.

Turkey was my home away from home or maybe because I was so keen to leave home. I had always been a wanderer and a nature person.

The apartment building in which we lived in L.A suffocated me. I wanted to be close to mother nature. And also you could say I didn't have the best time at my high school.

So when I got a scholarship in one of the most famous colleges of Antalya, I didnt waste a second.

Here in Antalya, me and my friend shared a small home outlooking the mountains which we had purchased after a lot of hard work.

My dad always wanted me to be a doctor for the military as he himself was in the army, but this girl had other plans.

Through out the years my dad had given us major panic attacks due to his job. I can still picture the panic striken face of my mother in the middle of the nights as she tried calling my dads friends when we got the news that there had been an attack.

But his love for his job was just so pure that my mom encouraged him.

But now he had finally retired last week and was quiet sad about that. So along with his best pal Uncle John, who had just also retired my mom had planned a trip to Bali.

Uncle John was my dads best friend. We were just like family. He had a daughter Amelia, who was currently dating my brother Greyson and a son, Mike who was studying tourism.

Amelia was studying acting in Los Angeles while my brother was pursuing his law career in England. So they both had a long distance relationship, but they were literally made for each other.

My mom had arranged a cottage for us which situated in the one of the forests in Bali.

Perks of having your husband in the army!

So this trip was to reconnect two lovers as well as two friends. And for me, the biggest advantage was nature. This trip could contribute perfectly to my final year project.

Some hours and a very tiring flight later, I had finally reached Bali. I was to meet my parents at the airport as their flight was to land an hour after mine.

So here I was having some Starbucks as I munched on my cake pop.

To be honest, it had been two years since I had met my parents. I had spent all of my savings on buying myself a camera and eventhough my dad had insisted on sending me a ticket,I had refused.

I wanted to be independent.

Bored out of my mind, I now took out my phone as I scrolled through my facebook, when suddenly a tap on my shoulder made me turn back.

"Watsupp leena Peena!" She exclaimed, teasing me with my old nickname.

"Oh my god, you look gorgeous!" I told her as I embraced her into a hug.

"And you surely have become even more prettier!"

Trust me I had gained two kgs.

"Where were you, everyone was looking for you!" She asked.

"Wait what, wasn't your flight to land after half an hour?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we landed early." She said as we both made our way towards our parents.

After greeting them all and listening to a thousand complaints of me not wanting to spend some time with family and with Greyson finally arriving, we made our way to the car which was to take us to our cottage.


When my mom had described the cottage, I had thought it would be something extremely adventurous.

Like we would have to walk through the forest with a map and find our cottage and on the way we would find some snakes and insects but I forgot that I was not going into the Amazon forest.

Chapter One: Bali 1

Chapter One: Bali 2


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