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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Attack


When I entered my son’s room, I half-expected him to be awake, but he was

fast asleep.

He had his arms wrapped around his favorite teddy bear, Teddy, and for a moment, I didn’t want to wake him up. He seemed so peaceful, and I was about to put him through so much stress.

But not as much as I would be if we went to Anemond.

So, I leaned down and gently touched his arm.

“Finnick,” I whispered, and when he didn’t rouse, I said his name again. After a moment, his nose crinkled and his eyes blinked open.

“Mommy?” he said, and he yawned lightly.

“Sorry to wake you, baby,” I said, and I gave him my most apologetic smile. “We have to go.”

“Go?” he repeated back in a confused voice. “Go where?”

“I’ll tell you on the way there,” I explained. “For now, we just need to get ready,


Finnick nodded, though his gray eyes were concerned. I pulled the covers aside and helped him down. We walked over to the closet, and we got him dressed.

After I zipped up his jacket, I picked out a couple of fresh sets of clothes and packed them in a small backpack.

“Put this on,” I instructed him.

“Can Teddy come?” he asked hopefully, and he glanced over at the stuffed bear he’d left on the bed. I studied the toy carefully. We were running low on room, but Teddy was his favorite toy. I couldn’t ask him to leave it behind when I was already asking so much of him.

“Okay,” I said. “But we have to put him in your backpack, okay?”

“Okay!” Finnick agreed. We carefully put Teddy in his bag, and once he was secure it was time for shoes.

Finnick and I went downstairs, and after we were fully dressed, I did a quick scan of the house. It seemed like I had remembered everything we needed. I glanced at the clock. It was time to go.

I scooped Finnick into my arms and held him close.

“Hold on tight, baby,” I said, and I wrapped my jacket around him to conceal him


I carried him out of the house and into the night.

The street was completely empty, with only the streetlights out to light our way. I glanced around and made sure we were alone. Luckily, everyone else seemed to be asleep. I held Finnick tight and then took off toward the forest.


On the way there, Finnick let out a soft sound of worry.

“Are we going to the forest, Mommy?” he asked, and his tone was painted with

“Yes, baby.” I said. “I’m so sorry we have to go there, I know you don’t like it. But I need you to be brave, okay?”

“Why do we have to go?” he pressed. I considered my words carefully.

“You were right before,” I decided. “The man we saw today. He’s very bad and very dangerous. So we have to go somewhere to keep us safe.”

It wasn’t a total lie. Asher Collins wasn’t a good man, especially considering


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