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Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son novel Chapter 29

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Chapter 29

Valen POV

I finally told Marcus about Everly, and he had organized patrols to run through the reserve for me t o keep an eye on the back end of her Hotel. Someone had broken the fence, and I was organizing it to be fixed; hopefully, sometime today someone would be able to go out there, or I would go myself.

Marcus and I had just finished at the library, we found no records of an Everly Summer’s from before five years ago, nothing by the name Everly at all, yet even Marcus said the name sounded familiar.

Walking outside, we were about to head to the council chambers to look in the birth records or any records, even bank statements.

Anything but the only thing we managed to find was the Hotel’s data and something stating she was in the hospital almost five years ago. Yet didn’t say what for or which part of the hospital; the lady behind the counter told us to try the werewolf council because she couldn’t access her files for some reason either.

“That name sounds so familiar, “ Marcus says, shaking his head.

“It’s right on the tip of my tongue. I just can’t, for the life of me, figure out where I have heard it, also. Don’t you think it is a little odd that not even you can access her files?“

“Yes, obviously, “ I tell him.

“She has to be hiding something. Why are there no records of an Everly or a Summers? Everly is a unique name. I don’t know anyone with that name yet it sounds familiar,“ Marcus ponders.

Marcus hits the button on his key fob, the blinkers flash, signaling it was unlocked, but we both stopped dead in our tracks.

“What the hell, what happened to my car, “ Marcus shrieks while rushing over to his beloved car. He just brought it a week ago, having liked mine so much. I press my lips in a line, glancing around for any culprits, and spot the library’s security cameras that point at the car park.

“Alphahole?“ Marcus says, and I walk over to the front of his car.

“They have mistaken me for you. Which bastard would do this?“ He growls angrily.

“They removed your tire valves too, “ I point out his flattened tires. He starts shaking, fur sprouting along his arms in his anger. He spent all day yesterday polishing and cleaning it and even made me take my shoes off before I got in it this morning.

“When I catch this f*cker-, “

“Well, you’re in luck, “ I tell him, pointing to the cameras and cutting him off. He smiles, rubbing his hands together. Heads would roll when he catches them unless?

“Their asses are mine, “ he growls, stomping toward the library entrance again. Yet I had a sneaking suspicion Everly’s name was all over this. No one would dare touch anything belonging to me. I smile at her tenacity to try and get revenge. Chuckling to myself, I follow after Marcus. I may have to stop the riot Marcus would no doubt cause in his wrath.

The woman at the counter smiles when we return, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“You’re back, Alpha, Beta. What can I help you with this time?“

“I need to see your security footage, “ Marcus all but growls, and the woman startles, shrinking in her seat. I gripped his shoulder, tugging him away, his aura rushed out, and a few people glanced at us nervously.

“May we look at the security footage, please Agatha, someone has trashed his car out the front, “

“Certainly Alpha right this way, “ She says. Jumping down from her seat, she disappears behind the counter, and I lean over to look at her, her head barely coming to the top of her desk. How in the world does she climb onto that stool? She was so short she would barely be taller than a child and a small one at that.

Marcus glares around at the people looking for the assailant. I chuckle while shaking my head before nudging him toward Agatha, who walks out from behind the counter.

“Holy shit, you’re short, “ Agatha glares at him, and I elbow him.

“What, she is, she is the perfect height for, “ “Zip it,“ I tell him.

“Well, she is, “ He mutters, following after her. She leads us to the back of the library and unlocks a door before pushing it open. She glares at Marcus, who pretends not to see as he walks in.

“I will be at my desk if you need help; the password is Redmoon, “ She says before sticking her nose up like it would make her taller before walking away.

“Bet her wolf looks like a chihuahua, “ Marcus laughs before walking over to the laptop. He types in the password before flicking through the files and pulling up today’s date, he start rewinding.

The security footage wasn’t the best, and he stopped it when we pulled into the car park. I watch our blurry figures walk into the library, and about five minutes later, a little yellow Volkswagon pulls in beside his car.

I instantly recognized not only the car but the blue uniform Zoe had on and the Black one Everly always wears.

“Their faces are too fuzzy. Does it zoom in?“ Marcus growls, hitting the button a little too hard.


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