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Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son novel Chapter 45

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son by Jessicahall Chapter 45

Everly POV

I wasn’t expecting the answer I received from the doctor; I wasn’t even aware the bond could be damaged, Sure I was used to the pain, but to know he hurt our bond? Nothing felt lessened to me. I still felt for Valen despite not wanting to, still craved him despite hating everything about him. I just wanted to go home and snuggle my son, smell his scent and let him soothe my racing mind.

Yet the way Valen looked at me, I could see his fear clearly etched onto his face. Could see how much the doctor’s words scared him as he pressed his face into my neck. Valen finally understood the weight of actions, and I could tell the burden was heavy for him to carry. His grip on my arms was tight like he thought I was about to drop dead before his eyes. My heart twisted painfully in my chest with the way his voice cracked as he spoke.

“You want me to beg? I will fucking beg,” Valen told me before dropping on his knees. He clutched my legs, and if the wall wasn’t behind me, I would have toppled over. I could feel his warm breath caress over the skin under my blouse where it had ridden up. I felt the shake of his shoulders and knew he was falling apart. I know I shouldn’t feel bad for him after everything he had done, and maybe it was the bond, but the way spoke told me he knew the pain of losing a mother even if he didn’t know her. I wondered what sort of man he would be if she raised him. Would he be the mate I needed him to be, the father he needed to be for our son?

Most of all, I wondered If I could ever forgive him, even if it was only for Valarian.

” Please, if not for yourself. Do it for Valarian, don’ t leave him because of me, don’t do that to our son,” He choked out, and before I could stop myself, I ran my fingers through his wanting to soothe the agony I could hear bleeding into his voice.

“For Valarian, ” I whispered, the words not sounding my own as I thought of my son. The person in this world that held all my broken pieces together, the child I carried to terin, the child I raised and loved. The one person who loved me back.

” Please, ” Valerian begs, and I glanced down at him to see him staring up at me. I tear my gaze away. I promised myself I could do it on my own, and I felt like doing this meant I was giving in, tossing everything I worked hard for away. But I wouldn’t toss my life away. I could not bear the thought of Valarian being in this world alone without me.

“Everly?” Valen whispered, and I looked down at the man on his knees, hanging onto me like he could somehow put me back together if he squeezed hard enough. I watched his eyes brim with tears, and my hand moved from his hair to cup his face on instinct. His stubble was rough against my palm, and I brushed a stray tear as he blinked, and it careened over.

“I’ll do anything, but don’t make him grow up without a mum, ” Valen whispered, and his lip quivered as he leaned into my hand before kissing my palm, sparks danced across it, and I bit my lip and looked away from the broken man before me.

“I mark you, that doesn’t mean you own me, and you don’t force my hand,”

“I promise, ” He says, pulling away and I snort, my own tears spilling when I look back down, and he is holding out his pinky.

“I’ll even pinky promise,”

“You know you can’t break one of those. They are sacred, ” I chuckle. He nods before standing, and I look up at him.


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