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Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son novel Chapter 55

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son by Jessicahall Chapter 55

My head throbbed even more as Macey watched me with worry, and she came over to me and prodded the bump on my head with her finger. Which only made it hurt more with her attempt to examine it.

“It’s o my bleeding a little; I bet it hurts,” she said, poking it again.

I laughed, which caused me to clutch my head in pain. “Ah, yeah, because you keep poking it,” I responded. “Shit! Sorry, ” she chuckled and stopped.

“Maybe you should shift; it may help heal it a little quicker?” Macey offered. That was the last thing I wanted to do. It always seemed like too much effort these days to shift, and I hated my wolf form, it made me feel weak. I tired quickly and didn’t want to spend the rest of the day like a zombie because I shifted for a meager bump to the head.

“Maybe later, we still have heaps of work today, oh the morgue. Was it Em ily?” I asked her. With ever   hing going on, I forgot to ask her.

“No, it was some homeless woman. She must have stolen some of Emily’s clothes. I recognized the tie-dyed shin, but it wasn’t her,” Macey told me, and I let out a breath of relief. Thank the heavens. However, it still left me wondering what happened to her and what was happening i n this city. So many people were missing, and I was beginning to worry something bigger was going on that we weren’t aware of or grasping fully.

Murders were rare, disappearances rarer in this city, yet multiple have happened in the last few weeks. More problematic was the amount of forsaken trying to get into the city. What were they running from? They mostly stayed away. Lately, there have been repeated attempts to breach the city’s borders. Also, even the forsaken that had been tagged and tracked had gone missing without a trace.

“What are you thinking?” Macey asked, sitting down on the couch beside me. I shook my head; I had no idea what to think. These days, it seemed like it was drama after drama. I looked at her about to answer when both Macey and I tensed. Both of us looked in the hallway’s direction.

Macey’s head turned to me before she covered Casey’s ears and mouthed.

“Are they?” she nodded toward the hall. My lips pressed together in a line as I listened to the noises down the hall, trying not to laugh. Casey, none the wiser, looked at us.

” How about ice cream? Let’s get ice cream,” Macey said, scooping up Casey.

“But I wanted to show Marcus the Trolls movie,” Casey complained  before jutting out her bottom lip as she pouted.

The noises became slightly more audible, and Macey hurried to the doo r before she stopped and glanced at me.

“Tell Zoe I have Casey,” she exclaimed, rushing out the door before I could protest. Why do I have to tell her? I groaned and got to my feet before making my way down the hall. I tapped on the door and heard things that would haunt my memory. Zoe was like m ine and Macey’s little sister, and there were some things we just didn’t want the mental image of. And this was one of those things, especially when she made those sons of noises. I blanched.

I cleared my throat and knocked again. “Ah, Zoe, Macey has Casey while you um… she just has Casey,” I told her before rushing away and out of my apartment.

Safely outside, I made my way back to the main building and headed toward the restaurant. I had just stepped inside when the door leading in from the front burst open, and Valen stepped inside looking furious. His eyes scanned around the place before they fell on me and the relief on his face was clear. “I’m fine,” I said with a wave of my hand as he rushed over to me.

A few late stragglers had come in for a late lunch and peered over at us, and I smacked Valen’s hand away as he reached out to me. He went to say something before he noticed we had an audience in here, and we were prime entertainment.

“What happened?” Valen asked. He grabbed my elbow as h e led me out of the restaurant and down the hall toward my office. I spotted Casey and Macey in the creche with bowls of ice cream. Casey waved as we passed the glass window, and I smiled and waved back.

“It’s handled, Valen. Marcus handled it; Micha and Amber came and tried to take Casey. I got knocked over, and I am fine,” I told him as he stuffed me through my office door.

“Marcus said you were hurt,” he said while examining me over while I rolled my eyes.

“I am not a child. You don’t need to check me and kiss away my pains,” I growled as he poked and prodded me. ” Wait, where is Valarian?”

“With my father, I called him over to watch him for me,” I sighed.

“He is a good father, Everly; you don’t need to worry about my father. I trust him with our son,” Valen told me. Giving Kalen the benefit of the doubt, I let it go. He had never shown signs he was a threat to our son and also told me h e wanted to be part of his life.

“And where is Micha now?” Valen asked.

“His father took him away. It’s sorted; just leave it be.”

“I won’t do that. Micha is part of my pack, and he will be punished.”

“Punished how, Valen? You can’t go killing people over a dispute.”

“He hurt you,” Valen snarled.

“I am fine, but you may have to speak to Micha about keeping his mouth shut and Amber because they are aware we are mates now. Marcus hammered him pretty good; I don’t think he needs another beating.”

“Wait, where is Marcus?” Valen asked, only now recognizing he wasn’t with me. I laughed and cupped my mouth, and Valen stared at me.


“Zoe and Marcus are mates,” I chuckled. His eyebrows almost disappeared into his hairline before a thoughtful expression crossed his face. “Huh, now that explains the sniffing,” he murmured. “That makes so much sense. How did I not figure that out?” He said.

I thought the exact same thing, both of their weird behavior made it even more apparent that they were mates while poor Casey was stuck in the middle of their sniffest.

I chuckled, making my headache worse, and I winced before wal king to my desk in search of painkillers. Valen gripped my hand when I pulled out the packet of paracetamol.

“You said you weren’t hurt,” he growled.

“I bumped my head, just a headache,” I told him, snatching my hand out of his grip. Valen stared at me before a growl escaped him, and he started prodding the bump on the back of my head.

“I’ll f*cking kill him,” he snapped, storming out of the room before I could stop him. “Wait, Valen. Just leave it be,” I shrieked, chasing after him as he made his way outside to his car.

His car beeped as he unlocked the doors before tossing the doors open and I raced to the other side. “Valen, stop. Let it go,” I said climbing in the passenger side.

“Get out,” Valen growled. Fur was growing along his arms as he fought to remain in his human form. His eyes flickered with his rage, and I canines protruded.



“No, Valen. Either I come with you, or you don’t go.” “Everly!” Valen snapped, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I won’t let you hurt him or do something you can’t undo. It was a dispute, that is over now, and no one needs to die over a bumped head,” I told him. Valen’s claws slipped from his nail-beds, he clenched his fists on the steering wheel. He went to say something else, and I glared at him.


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