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Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja novel Chapter 34

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 34

34. What the hell had they done?!

The Sirius Bright Pack was on high alert. A curfew had been set in place, no one was permitted to leave their

homes, They were told to stay put. Everyone was waiting for the next order to learn the secret behind this unexpected change. This restriction had been set specifically for all the males in the pack, which had piqued everyone’s interest. Why especially for men?

Only the Beta and Gamma couples could be spotted in front of the pack house. Two key incidents in the pack had only been reported to them a few minutes ago. When Alpha’s car had arrived in the pack, they ran over to it.

“Alpha,” Kaiden and Tyler dashed forward to open the doors for the twins. They’d heard from other pack members that the Alpha and Luna had been spotted running together, and that it had been Alpha Zander who drove them. They lamented their absence at a time when their Alphas had needed them. They were unable to join them for

whatever reason they had needed to leave the pack. The Alphas got out, carrying their mates in their arms.

“She is Luna Kiara’s sister,” Lena exclaimed in surprise. She was the only one who had seen a photo of Adira. Kiara’s old phone had come in handy. Zander’s white shirt was stained with blood, he appeared rather frightening covered in his woman’s blood. Jennifer’s beautiful eyes widened when she realized that Luna’s older sister was the younger Alpha’s mate! They had only been told that Zander was bringing his mate into the pack house. Her identity,

however, had been concealed.

That was when Xavier stepped out of the car, with a moaning Kiara in his arms. They were so astonished to see

Adira that Kiara’s heat had gone unnoticed until Xavier got out of the car.

“Oh my Goddess! The Luna is in heat!!” Jennifer gasped, taking a few steps back from Xavier, who appeared completely fearl with his gaze fixed on the young she-wolf’s burning body. Holding Dean in check was not something that Xavier could do in this condition. Their mate was in heat and in excruciating pain! Lena and Jennifer exchanged

worried glances. Both the Alpha sisters seemed to be in danger. The twins appeared to be at their most deadly, one

wrong move and someone would lose their lives. Why and how had things come to this? The enigma behind the curfew had now been revealed as well. Kiara’s heat was going to lure all of the pack’s unmated males, therefore a

lockdown needed to be enforced for everyone. Fortunately, the Beta and Gamma males were both marked and mated,

so the young Luna’s heat had no effect on them.

“Jennifer, you are coming with me!” Xavier ordered the Beta couple, storming into the pack house. Only the Goddess understood how he had managed to keep himself under control in the car.

“Tyler, call the Doctor immediately and make sure that they are either female or a mated and marked wolf,” Zander ordered, rushing into the pack house, ordering Lena to follow closely behind him.

The Beta and Gamma females followed the Alphas as they entered their respective rooms. Lena dashed to a drawer to get the scissor she needed to rip Adira’s sleeves before the Doctor arrived.

“The doctor is here,” Tyler announced as he took his place close to his mate. The Doctor had arrived faster than

expectations. Everyone had learned a valuable lesson when the senior Doctor had been demoted. He observed the

Alpha gently placing an unknown, gorgeous yet injured woman on his lap, then holding her closer to his chest.

Zander had been holding Adira’s hand, but it appeared that he was more interested in inhaling her scent. What was

the Alpha up to? Who was she? The Doctor was perplexed as he awaited orders like a fool.

“Don’t waste time, check on her!” Zander snarled, wanting to devour Adira whole, since her fragrance was the only thing keeping him from losing his sanity. Kiara’s heat had spread throughout the pack house. Leaving the younger Alpha as the sole unmated wolf on edge. He felt so out of place being turned on by his sister-in-mate’s heat.

He’d been in hell the entire time he had been trapped in the same car with Kiara. When Dean had witnessed Evan losing control, he had become rather protective and aggressive. The older brother sent a lethal warning to Zander to keep his gaze off of his wife. Zander had moved his eyes away as he had not wanted to look at Kiara either, but a she-wolf’s heat could drive any unmated wolf crazy.

Zander had clutched Adira close to his chest as he buried his nose against her neck to breathe in her scent to keep himself from committing a fatal sin, like glancing at his sister-in-mate with those dirty thoughts in his mind or eyes.

His mate’s scent had cast a spell on his heart and mind. The only distraction that he had found from Kiara’s heat had been the unconscious she-wolf’s closeness and her cinnamon and vanilla scent. He had no clue how strong and powerful the mate bond could be. The connection he felt with the she-wolf in his arms was too strong for him to ignore. He’d forgotten everything as he stared down at her bloodied and pallid face. Evan’s gaze remained fixed on his gorgeous mate at all times.

“AAHH,” Adira whimpered softly, attempting to move slightly due to discomfort. She felt an unidentified warmth wrap around her body, as well as heavy breathing near her neck. Who was he? What was the cause of his rapid heartbeat? She attempted to open her eyes slightly, but everything was blurry. She smelled an orange-like scent that was making her mouth water. What was going on? She couldn’t take it any longer, she closed her eyes again.

The Doctor was having difficulty treating her wound since Zander had wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist. Even though she was unconscious, he had her sitting in his lap with her back resting against his chest.

The Doctor’s fingers trembled in terror as he avoided Evan, who had been growling and burying his nose in Adira’s neck. He could not risk moving his nose away from her otherwise Kiara’s heat would f**k with his mind and could cause serious issues.

‘Stay focused and treat her as quickly as possible. It’s the only way you’ll be able to leave the room. ‘Tyler mind-linked the Doctor, who was visibly terrified by his Alpha’s irritated gaze. The Gamma female was shocked to witness Zander’s possessive and insane side, which had been unveiled now that he had met his mate. She was more concerned about Adira. She hadn’t anticipated the second Luna of the pack to be in this state. Tyler reached out to take Lena’s hand as they watched her receive treatment.

“Alpha, the wound is rather deep, but I have stopped the bleeding,” the Doctor confirmed as he finished bandaging her arm and got off of the bed.

“Her wound will take between 10 or 11 hours to heal. Her physical strength will also play a role. But I can guarantee you that this young lady is no longer in danger,” he assured his Alpha as he lowered his head.

“My Luna, not just any young lady,” the doctor raised his head to look up at Zander, who had introduced the unknown she-wolf as his Luna. Wait! Did that imply that the younger Alpha had also found his mate?! This was amazing news, yet no one knew about it?

“However, you are not permitted to reveal this secret untill instruct you to do so. Do you follow me?” Zander

lifted his brows, his face barely a few inches above Adira’s neck.

“I understand Alpha,” the Doctor replied with a small smile. He should have already recognized the reason behind the different attitude of the Alpha. The mate bond had been playing with him. The Doctor left the room quickly before the Gamma couple followed. As Lena closed the door behind her, the room became dead silent. Then a voice echoed in the room. Evan had taken over Zander, flipping his unconscious mate onto the bed so that she was under him.

“Mate!” Evan exclaimed, clutching Adira’s cheeks, then proceeding to tear his clothes apart with the other


“No!” Zander yelled, taking over his wolf while pulling his hand back before it was too late.

“Mate. She is our mate!!” The wolf argued with his human, reminding and pushing him to f**k and mark her.

“Yes, she is. However, at this moment, she is unconscious. Let’s wait,” the Alpha growled back, unable to block the Alpha wolf. Evan was equally powerful at this moment, so blocking him was hard for Zander when Adira was lying there in front of their eyes.

“We need to wait,” Zander whispered, leaning down to her lips, tenderly caressing them with his. He moaned with delight. Evan was slightly satisfied with the kiss. Her lips were petal soft and tasted sweeter than anything he had ever tasted in his life. He’d broken the kiss before going crazy and f*****g her without her consent. It was nearly impossible for him to keep himself under control, but he had no other choice. The Alpha laid beside his female and gently drew her closer to his chest. He couldn’t believe this big mouth woman was his soulmate, and that he had finally found her…

“AAAHHH!” Kiara’s s**** m resonated around the room. The Alpha had already entered his chamber with the

young she-wolf in his arms, but his heart wouldn’t let him move her away from him since she was clawing his arms

and biting his chest. Venus had already gone insane from the heat and was forcing Kiara to do things she would never have imagined. She had been trying to seduce her mate while weeping in agony!

“Alpha,” Jennifer and Kaiden entered the room just as Xavier was laying his wife on the bed.

“It’s alright, Kiara. Calm down. I am here,” he cooed as he brushed her hair back and caressed her cheeks in


“What is happening to her? How could she suddenly go into heat?” Xavier murmured, having no clue what had gone wrong. People said that as long as she-wolf was near her mate and was marked by him, her heat would not


“I’m not sure either. Should I call a Doctor?” The Beta was similarly alarmed to witness his Luna’s condition, which was affecting both his Alpha and his wolf.

“Yes, call the Doctor!” Xavier ordered, but then Jennifer said,

“It is strange that a marked and mated she-wolf went into the heat. I have never seen this before.” Jennifer’s voice was filled with concern, since there was nothing she could do to help her Luna, who was in excruciating


Kaiden’s throat became bone dry as a result of his mate’s words. Xavier’s gaze had been drawn to his Beta’s, who, like him, was taken aback when he heard the word ‘mating.’

The memories of a few days ago were brought to the forefront of his mind.

“But Xavier, if you only have s*x and do not mate, then you know what a mess that will be.”

“I have already been rejected once. What more of a mess can there be?”

“If you don’t mate, then the Moon Goddess will once again play her game to put the two of you together. I doubt

you can escape mating.”

Xavier clenched his hand in rage, realizing that the Moon Goddess had once again played a trick on him. Kiara had gone into heat since he had only had s*x with her but not mated!

“Prepare an ice water bath !”Xavier ordered, holding Kiara to his chest.

“Yes, Alpha,” Jennifer raced out of the room to comply with the command, unaware that it was only an excuse to get her out of the room so that he could speak freely with Kaiden.

“I told you, Xavier. You can’t mess with the mate bond! You’ve just had s*x, but mating is more than simply f*****g. Mating entails embracing each other’s soul and entirely surrendering your heart, mind, and body to your

soulmate,” Kaiden explained in a panic as he looked at Kiara’s crimson weeping face. He was well aware that she had heard him, but he returned his gaze to his Alpha, who was thoroughly enraged with himself. He gently placed his woman down on the bed and stood up to approach his friend.


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