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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Crystal and Theo) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 


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Amelia entered the room and I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling within me. It had been far too long since I last spoke with her. Despite the recent discoveries hanging around me, there was a sense of familiarity and comfort in her presence that I had missed dearly

Hey, Amelia,I greeted her warmly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I approached her. It’s been too long.” 

She returned my smile, her eyes lighting up with warmth as she met my gaze

Hey, you,she replied softly, her voice filled with affection. I’ve missed you.” 

Taking a seat beside her, I reached out to gently take her hand in mine, relishing the familiar touch

I’ve missed you too,” I admitted sincerely

Having come up with a plan in mind, I took out the speech stone, rubbing it, playing with it like it was some toy


So, how have you been? Anything new and exciting happening in your life?I asked

Amelia’s expression softened, and she met my gaze with a tender smile

Just the usual,she replied, her voice gentle. Work has been keeping me busy, but nothing too out of the ordinary. What about you? How’s everything been going on your end?” 

I shrugged nonchalantly, leaning back against the couch as I relaxed into the conversation

Same old, same old,I replied with a grin. Dealing with pack duties, trying to keep everything running smoothly. You know how it is.” 

Amelia nodded understandingly, her fingers tracing patterns on the surface of the speech stone

I do,she agreed. But you’re doing a great job, you know. I’m proud of you.” 

A surge of warmth flooded my chest at her words, and I reached out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind 



Emergency calls only 

Chapter 122 

her ear

Thanks, Amelia,I murmured softly. That means a lot to me.” 

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We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, content to simply enjoy each other’s company. I noticed that since began toying with stone, Amelia’s eyes wouldn’t leave my hand and I was happy, silently hoping my plan worked

Thankfully, it did

Amelia’s eyes lit up with curiosity as she watched me fiddle with the speech stone, a playful smile tugging at her lips

What’s that?she asked, leaning in closer to get a better look

I chuckled softly, enjoying the lighthearted moment between us

Just something I came across recently,I replied, tilting the stone to catch the light

Amelia’s interest piqued even further, and she reached out to take the stone from my hand, turning it over in her palm

Wow, it’s fascinating,she remarked, her eyes sparkling with excitement 

I nodded in agreement, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. Yeah, it’s definitely unique,I replied, watching as Amelia inspected the stone with curiosity.” 

Where did you get it from?she collected it from me, examining it

I got it from Mason. It was a gift. I uttered

That’s interesting,” she remarked, her curiosity piqued. But where did Mason get it from?” 

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal

He mentioned something about Athena giving it to him,” I replied carefully, watching her reaction closely

Amelia’s brows furrowed in thought, her expression growing thoughtful




Emergency calls only 

Chapter 122 

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Athena?she repeated and I affirmed the words. That’s strange.She commented and I moved closer to her, sitting down

What is?I asked but she was busy examining the stone

I knew itshe murmured in a low tone, but a bit louder to me. Something is wrong!” 

Speak to me, Amelia. What’s wrong?” 

Donald, I don’t know if this is the right time to say this, but can I confide in you?” 

Of course, you can. Feel free.” 

In that case, there’s so much we need to talk about.She said

I nodded, my expression turning serious as I regarded her

I know,I replied. It’s been a whirlwind lately, hasn’t it?” 

She nodded in agreement, my mind drifting back to the events that had unfolded in recent days

It certainly has,I admitted, my thoughts turning to the mysterious circumstances surrounding Raina, Delilah, and now, Athena

But I’m glad we’re finally able to sit down and talk.” 

Amelia reached out to grasp my hand more firmly, her touch grounding me in the moment

Me too,she murmured, her gaze searching mine. So, where do we start?” 

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead

Anywhere you want to?I suggested, then she began

You see, there’s something off about Athena, and I think you might have some insight into what’s going on.” 

First, I was shocked. Could it be that Amelia knew Athena? No wonder she made sure to leave the wedding reception when Athena arrived


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 122 

I nodded, my expression thoughtful as I considered her words

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I’ve had my suspicions,she said. But I didn’t want to jump to conclusions without more information.” 

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, offering her a supportive smile

It’s fine. One at a time.I cooed. So, what’s happening?” 

Okay, sothe thing is Athena, your Luna’s godmother is our Canthra Minerva. Or should I say, they look so much alike.” 

Athena, resembling Canthra Minerva? It seemed almost too surreal to comprehend. My heart pounded in my chest, and a sense of unease settled over me as I tried to process her words

Ssure?I ammered, my voice barely above a whisper. The mere idea of Athena being linked to such a legendary figure of our arch enemy was both intriguing and unsettling

Of course, I have never been sureAmelia’s conviction only fueled my uncertainty. Her words resonated with a sense of certainty that left me feeling overwhelmed. How could she be so sure? And if she was right, what did it mean for us, for our pack

I struggled to find the right words, my mind Ppling with the implications of Amelia’s revelation. The thought of Athena hiding such a significant aspect of the identity filled me with a sense of betrayal, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling of disbelief

Howhow is that even possible?I finally managed to say, my voice trembling slightly

Amelia met my gaze with unwavering determination and concern

I know it sounds crazy,she admitted. But I’ve been doing some digging, and everything points to the same. conclusion.” 

Fear, uncertainty, and a creeping sense of dread clouded my thoughts as I tried to make sense of it all. If Athena truly was Canthra Minerva, what did that mean for our pack, for our future

As the revelation sank in, I realized that our world was about to change in ways we couldn’t begin to imagine. Then, I knew that we were on the brink of uncovering secrets that could reshape our entire reality

Now, seeing this here, it only makes me more suspicious.She continued



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