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Alvera,the Revenger,Married the Billionaire novel Chapter 44

"What?" Roland was so angry he almost wanted to strangle her. 

"You clearly don't know anything, but you're so confident in your assumptions."

"What don't I know?"

"Did you see how the Earhart family raised me? Are you even sure the Earhart family raised me? I've told you a million times before, to them, I'm no better than a dog in their backyard. They did not raise me, my mother raised me."

Roland looked at her in surprise.

She clenched her fists, her entire body trembling in suppressed anger. 

"What do you think about that room you saw in the backyard earlier?" she asked him.

"That shed?"

"Yes, that dinky, windowless shed. I grew up there. I lived there with my mother. If the Earhart family were as kind as you think they are, why would they leave us there? We sweltered in the summer and froze during winter. We survived on their leftovers, which my mother earned with unpaid labour."


"Do you even know what is unpaid labour?" she continued bitterly. "You're an unscrupulous businessman, you should know, but in case you don't, that means my mother worked her ass off day and night for no pay. Their other servants, they got to live in nice houses, but we didn't. They kept us in their backyard like a couple of dogs. We barely survived, and we couldn't escape. Do you know how that feels like?"



"And you ask why I hate the Earhart family," she ended, clenching her fist tightly as her eyes filled with eyes. She tried her best to suppress her anger and hatred. "If your mother lived in humiliation for you her entire life, would you still love the Earhart family? Would you thank them for their grace?" 


"Why couldn't you... escape?"

"Because of me," Alvera said bitterly, with tears welling up in her eyes, "because I am Andrina's backup organ source. If anything happens to Andrina and I am not around, no one else can save her. They used me to keep my mother there. She never had the courage to escape."

She turned away and exhaled, but her tears fell uncontrollably.

She got out of bed quickly, went to the closet, and ate a piece of candy.

"Please, Roland Francois," she said with her back to him, "stop hurting people with your holier-than-thou attitude. You disgust me."

Roland was shocked by her outburst. He did not know what so say.

He did not realized that the dusty shed he saw this morning was where she grew up. 

He believed that she grew up with Andrina in the house as Luna had told him, which was why he never understood her hatred towards the Earhart family.


The Earhart family had a lot of deeply hidden secrets. He had been with Andrina for four years, and he only realised this now.

Why were they so cruel to Alvera and her mother?

Was it just for Alvera's blood and liver?

When Alvera turned around again, she had composed herself and hidden all her emotions again.

"Don't forget, you owe me 1000 books, Roland Francois," she told him. "Send them to the orphanage when it's finished building."

Roland's gaze lingered on her face. "Okay."

Alvera smiled calmly. "I trust that you are a man of your word."

She got back on the bed and lifted the blanket. "Good night."

He maintained his gaze on her. He didn't like the forced smile on her face, but he couldn't do anything about it.


This was the first time in his life that he felt helpless.

There was nothing he could do to her.

Since when did he start willingly becoming this woman's pawn?

He frowned, rolled over and lay down with his back facing her.

He did not forget that she said she hated him.

The next day, they did not go to the company together.

They took separate ways, since Roland went to the Earhart family first.


On the surface, he was there to see Andrina, but he went straight to the backyard when he arrived.

The small shed in the backyard had been partially demolished overnight, and the workers were still busy tearing down the walls loudly. 


"Mr. Francois, you're here."

Thomas's voice came from behind him.

Roland looked back, "Why are you tearing down the house?"

"This shed has been here for a very long time, we don't really use it anymore," he replied. "It's an eyesore, so we decided to have it demolished."

"Why was it built in the first place?"

"For storage, why else? We kept our junk in here." Thomas smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Have you seen Andrina?"

A sly look passed over Roland's face. "Not yet, I heard the commotion here and came over to check it out."

"I'll call her down, we can have breakfast together."

"No need. I'll go up and take a look, then I need to go back to work."

He glanced at the shed as he was speaking, and spotted a yellowed exercise book in the corner.


Chapter 44: You Disgust Me 1


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