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Anton Brotherhood novel Chapter 44

Ramon lay on Camille’s body and ripped her underwear. Then, he heard a knock at the door.

“Fuck, go away!” Mad with lust, Ramon shouted and cursed for the annoying interruption. The knocking stopped. Ramon was about to look down when there was a knock on the door again.

“Damn it! You better give me a good reason, or I'll fucking kill you!” Ramon stood up and opened the door with a dagger in one hand. It was his man who knocked on the door. Ramon snapped, “What the hell is wrong with you? Aren’t you meant to be waiting outside? What on earth is all that knocking? Who did that? Stand over here!”

One of his guys asked in a quavering voice, “Ramon, it was… me.”

Ramon just smacked the man right across the face, saying, “Fuck you! What’s up?”

The man raised his hand and put it in front of Ramon. He whispered, “Ramon, I... I saw this!”

Ramon looked down and saw the man holding a black card in his hand, in the middle of which was a terrifying blood-colored “KILL”. Ramon took the card and inspected it. His heart leaped and for a moment he was silent. Then, he said, “This is… BLACK… CARD!” Ramon grabbed the man's clothes and asked loudly, “Where did this card come from? Why do you have it? Speak!” The fame of the black card had long been spread in the Mafia of J City. It was also known as “Bloody Kill” because nobody who took the card could survive.. Although Ramon had the resources of a powerful Youth Gang behind him, his heart couldn’t help beating faster when he saw this card.

Gripped by the neck, that man’s voice trembled with a terrible shock. “It... It was on my back, Mr.Smith, help me. I don't want to die!” The man grabbed Ramon's sleeve and howled loudly.”

“Screw you!” Ramon kicked the guy away, pointed at his nose, and yelled, “Scared? Of what? I wouldn’t be scared of Anton Williams, not to mention this little black card!” It seemed that Ramon was mocking his men, but actually, he was drawing up his courage. In fact, he was the most scared man there.

Ramon looked at five or six of his men, all with pale faces, and inwardly cursed them for being a bunch of losers. He yelled, “Listen to me. All stay by the door, and no one is leaving until I say so. Otherwise, I’ll let you suffer!” After that, he turned back to the room and immediately called in reinforcements.

‘There is nothing to fear. A moment later dad would send his men over, and Anton Brotherhood couldn’t attack him in the Pavel hotel, which was a regular place for city officials.’ Ramon thought of this on the sofa for a while. Then, he played with the black card in his hand, laughing.

Camille on the bed saw what Ramon had in his hand. Pleased, she cried, “Ramon, let me go, otherwise Anton will not spare you!”

Ramon’s thought was interrupted. On hearing Anton, he immediately went to her and slapped her face hard. Punching her in the neck, he roared, “Today I tell you, don't scare me with Anton! Nothing! Do you know? He is nothing!” As he spoke, Ramon pulled away Camille’s underwear, and touched her white breast exposed to the air, mocking, “Don't you still think of him, do you? Hah, I will play with his woman today, and I hope you are still a virgin!”

At that time, another rapping came to the door. Ramon was about to be driven crazy because his lust for Camille wasn’t satisfied. He rushed to open the door and shouted, “I'll fuck you! Are you ever off?” Ramon’s voice suddenly stopped, because it was not his men, but a group of strange youngsters, three men, and three women, standing outside the door. His men were lying on the ground, not moving.

Ramon was startled and asked, “Who are you? What are you doing?”

A tall man among the six said, “The black card. We are here to take your life!” At the same time, he kicked Ramon in the abdomen. The kick was so powerful that Ramon fell on the floor in the room with several steps backward. With a tacit understanding, the six people moved Ramon’s men together into the room quickly and shut the door behind them.

That tall man came first and squatted down by Ramon, saying coolly, “Today you have to die!”

Holding back the pain of his abdomen, Ramon raised his head and asked, “You! Who are you from the Anton Brotherhood? Let me go, and I promise you as much money as you want. If you are afraid of retaliation, you can join our Youth Gang. I will make all of you underbosses! How about that?”

The young man did not speak and just waited quietly. When Ramon had finished, the man punched him in the mouth. Ramon howled with two front teeth knocked out. “I’m teaching you a lesson to be polite!” The young man stood up and looked at Dolores and Camille on the bed. He immediately turned his head back to motion the three women. Then, they went to the bed to get off the Whites.

After releasing, Camille quickly covered her body with a sheet and began to weep. A woman took off her coat and covered the poor girl. Camille looked at her gratefully and sobbed, “Who are you?”

Another woman smiled and said, “We are members of the Ghost Regime!”

Camille felt hugely relieved and pounced on the woman's shoulder to cry. The three young men around Ramon looked at each other and grinned. ‘Women are really troublesome!’ they thought. Ramon knelt down on the ground with his mouth full of blood and just powerfully waited to hear what was going to happen to him.

After a short discussion, the young men decided not to kill Ramon temporarily because he might be useful later. They heaved Ramon and went out of the room together with the Whites. Before that, that tall man laid the point of his knife on Ramon’s back and said in a deep voice, “I can keep you alive now but you have to go with us. And you’d better not scream outside. Otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!”

On hearing that he could survive, Ramon nodded eagerly without hesitation. The young man took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood from Ramon’s mouth in case they were noticed. The group walked out of the Pavel Hotel, safe and quiet. Then, they got into a van that had been waiting for a long time and just went away. By the time the men of Vicci Smith, Ramon’s father, got there, the room was empty, or should they say there were no living people. Only five bodies were left on the ground and Ramon was gone.

Ramon was Vicci’s only son so that he was terribly pampered. Vicci nearly fainted when he was told that his son was missing. He ordered all his men to look for Ramon around the city no matter what happened. Meanwhile, the assault on Anton Brotherhood had to be put off. This allowed his enemy sufficient preparation time for fighting. As for why members of the Ghost Regime appeared in the Pavel Hotel, there will be an explanation in the following Chapters.


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