Anton Brotherhood

Chapter 25 Mr. Gilbert

When Anton Williams returned to the Ghost nightclub, he found everyone was there. Hundreds of people here made it noisy. Anton came to the middle and shouted, “Everyone goes back and then has a rest! It’s over today!” After hearing Anton’s words, the crowd hesitated for a moment and then walked outside. But Albert Davis and Patrick Clarke did not leave.

Albert came to Anton and said, “Anton, how is Jasper now?”

“Anton shook his head and said, “He is not so good, not going through the dangerous period!” Albert bowed down and said, “Anton, I think what you have told me, so I suspect a person of being black sheep!”

Anton raised his eyebrows and said, “Who?” Albert looked around to make sure no one was here, and then whispered, “Lydia!”

“Why are you saying that?”

“Anton, I thought about it thoroughly. Our members in the confraternity are in union so they don't betray us. In other words, they even don’t have the chance to betray us. As everyone was together and no one was ever left at all at that time, the one who had the most suspicion was Lydia. She had enough time to drop a dime to Sickle Gang after we had left the Ghost nightclub. But I am still wondering why she did so.”

Anton found his analysis plausible. He nodded and said, “Don't talk about it until there's sufficient evidence. By the way, where's Carl?”

“He went out to get money and inquire about the news, “Albert answered.

Anton got it and walked into a single room, lying on the sofa. He closed his eyes thinking about what he should do next. Albert and Patrick did not disturb Anton, waiting quietly outside. In the evening, they were still there. With a pocket back, Carl Ford came back and asked them, “Is Anton back?”

Patrick nodded, pointed to the single room, and said, “He is back, and stay inside!” Carl walked over and knocked on the door. “Come in!” The voice of Anton Williams came from inside. Carl heard and pushed the door in.

“Anton, everything you asked me to do has been done. This is 12,750 euro.” With that, Carl put the paper pocket on the table, and took a note out of the coat pocket, and said, “This is the address of the Chief's home.”

Anton looked at the watch and found that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. He stood up, took the money and the note, and said to Carl, “I'll go to the chief's home and find a way to release Bruce White and other ten brothers first. You and other people stay here. Without my permission, no one is allowed to get revenge for the Sickle Gang”

Carl nodded his head and said to Anton, “Anton, Let me go with you!”

“No, you're not going. It's no use talking about this with more people. said Anton, shaking his head. After that, Anton walked out and did what he had just thought step by step. The Sickle Gang will pay for their mistakes with blood sooner or later.”

According to the address on the note, Anton quickly found the residential area of the chief's home. Known as the bureau building in J City, the area is where city leaders or rich men live. Anton came to the door of the Chief's home and rang the doorbell. A woman was asking from inside, “Who?”

Anton tried to keep his voice down and said, “Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Gilbert!”

inside asked, “Is there anything you want

need to be dealt with by

immediately. He was probably coming to give gifts. It happened every day. Without asking for more details, she

looked at the woman who opened the door. She was in her forties and dressed up very gracefully. He nodded

little while, not expecting the man was so young and comely. She viewed him as a polite person and said, “Young man, come in, don't stand

walked into the hall, saw no one in the

minute. You can sit here and wait for a while.” the woman said. Anton thanked her and then sat on the sofa. The woman poured a cup of tea

his forties, sparsely-haired, but still spiritual, emerged from the bathroom.

you. Since he is young, you should help him as possible as you can.” Obviously, Anton left a good impression on the woman, who was trying to help him out. Mr. Gilbert understood it, sitting opposite Anton and then asked, “Young

woman, without speaking. Mr. Gilbert is reasonable, so he said to the woman, “Stella, you can go to

his wife had gone, Mr. Gilbert leaned on the sofa and said, “Now you can tell


Gilbert slightly flummoxed down, and asked, “You are here for this?” Anton nodded and said, “I hope Mr. Gilbert can release all the people that were caught in God nightclub

overestimate my ability. I’m sorry. I can't help you

a wad of hundreds of euros on the table and became a little penetrable. But once considering the situation in the bureau and the impact of God nightclub event, he restrained his greed back, shook his head, and said, “I'm sorry. I can't help you with this. Please go back!” After that, Mr. Gilbert stood up

there really not

really can't help with this. Besides, it's still time for cracking down on criminals. Your friend sailed close to the wind. What

years will my friend be sentenced in prison?” Asked Anton, with his gazes

and said, “Tell you the truth. Your friend has no chance of going to jail. If that's right, he will

“He will be sentenced to life imprisonment even in normal days, let alone during the crackdown period. You don't

way, “I do not understand, so I came to for your assistance. I hope tomorrow I can see my friend back

pleased to hear what Anton had said, “I have told you that I can't help with

promise to help me, you will have the money and there will be more beneficial for you in the future. If you don't say yes,

human’s. Mr. Gilbert was really frightened. So he sat back and said, “It's really

deal with it, “said Anton, stone-faced. “I don't care about it.

He took a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it silently. He is blowing hot and cold

make a decision. Time passing by, the square room was so dull that there was no sound. Mr. Gilbert smoked five cigarettes in a row and choked the last cigarette butt out. He had a decision in mind, looking at

said thank you, and then turned

would be fine. He also prayed for Jasper Smith. Anton came back to Ghost nightclub by car, feeling a little dizzy. He was so tired

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