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Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman novel Chapter 357

Seeing Moore's face full of anxiety, Jean felt sorry.

Still, the secret was solely hers. She couldn't tell him how she was almost strangled by Joy in the hospital. That day, Joy had thought that Jean would certainly die. The anger she had stoked in her still glowered inside. Jean was on a mission now. She now knew that there was a hidden reason behind her mother's death and she was determined to find out.

Obviously, Joy was her enemy and had every intention to murder her. If Jean returned to the Wen Group, it was certain that Joy would harm her.

Looking into the distance, Jean swallowed these hard truths. Despite knowing the risk involved and the danger she was putting herself in, there was only one question on Jean's mind. 'Why did my mother die?'

It wouldn't do to involve others in her quest, which is why she thought it is best to keep this to herself.

She couldn't even tell Zed or Moore.

But Jean inadvertently blurted out this matter just now.

Now, she was worried that she had compromised Moore's safety too. After all, they spent a lot of time together.

"No, don't worry. I'm just joking." A sunny smile played on Jean's lips though worries clouded her heart. She emphatically said,"It's because you were so cold to me. I just said this to make you worry about me. That's all."

"Jean… Do not lie to me…" Moore stared at Jean, saying words full of concern and fear with an ashen face.

"I will not lie to you. I promise. You know that I have reconciled with Zed then how could I be in danger? He will protect me. Rather, he will protect me very well," As Jean made her case to allay the worst of Moore's fears, her delicate features broke into a smile.

Though she cheered up and looked all sunny and bright, Moore did not know why he still felt uneasy in his heart.

Now that Jean looked all gay, Moore had to stop asking more about it.

She had a point. Zed was her husband and would no doubt protect the beautiful Jean.

Moore's tense body let go of the worries and relaxed as he looked into his friend's warm face. In his last bid to convince her, he said with seriousness,"Jean, never do anything stupid. Since you have made up your mind to return to the Wen Group, promise me, you'll protect yourself well."

"Hmm," Nodding to him, Jean looked at Moore intently.

'I will definitely protect myself well to find out the truth.'

"I promise." Seeing the earnest expression on her face and the warmth with which she touched his resting hand, Moore smiled.

"By the way, Zed gave me his black card again." An amused Jean took out Zed's card and shook it in front of Moore. "So you have to recover soon. When you get discharged from the hospital, I will take you to eat a sumptuous meal."

"It seems as if I am a child who is greedy for food." Moore shook his head sideways and then looked intently at Jean.

'It seems that all the unhappiness between you and Zed is in the past now.

This is good. With such an outstanding man there to take care of you and protect you, I can rest easy.'

Touched by how deeply Moore worried for her, Jean smiled and gave his hand a light squeeze. Struck by his purity, she put her hand to her chest and said,"I know that you live in the hospital so you eat mostly hospital food. I feel awful about it. I'm so sorry to put you through this." Jean sighed and continued,"Moore, I really hope that you will recover soon. Only then can I feel less guilty of you."


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