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Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman novel Chapter 59

Jean thought for a while before shaking her head, "No, I am afraid I am keeping you from something more important. I don't intend to push you away, but I just……"

"Do you want me to stay?"

Upon hearing Zed's question, Jean fell silent. With no clarity about her feelings about Zed and their marriage, Jean had no idea what to say to him. For so long now she had convinced herself that her relationship with Zed could be reckoned as marriage in name only. But, in fact……

Jean really wanted him to stay.

Instead of answering Zed, Jean turned and left in a hurry.

Zed chased Jean. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. "Do you want him instead of me? Are you wishing someone else were here with you now?"

"Someone else? Who? What are you talking about Zed? This is making no sense!" Jean couldn't understand whom Zed was referring to and she was too tired to try and guess.

"Ethan Lei." Zed spat out bitterly. He had always felt that she was a little absent-minded when he was around Jean. Although her relationship with Ethan ended a long time ago, Ethan still came between them like a thorn.

"Ethan……" Jean stood there in complete amazement. How was it that everything always ended with the mention of Ethan? Jean couldn't help thinking about that night when Zed asked her to leave his villa.

She still remembered clearly the expression on Zed's face, his harsh words, and treatment. Although it was just a misunderstanding, he had overreacted terribly. Remembering that difficult time, upset Jean more.

"I didn't create that Weibo post." She tried defending herself. She didn't know what Zed truly thought about that incident. Since he was so hard to read, Jean didn't even know if he would believe her.

"I know that, but do you still have feelings for him?" Zed was, understandably, also tired of constantly bringing up Ethan Lei. He wanted clarity about Jean's relationship with Ethan. And so he asked directly, and looked at her for an explanation.

Jean was a little surprised and said, "I……"

"Answer my question!" Zed hissed.

"I, I ......……" After hesitating for a long while, Jean didn't know what to say.

"Forget it." Zed sighed in defeat. He couldn't understand why Jean found it so hard to talk about these things. Zed withdrew his hand. A part of him felt relieved as he didn't want to know her answer.

Still, disappointed as he was, Zed turned and walked away. He needed some space and he needed some time to think. Jean's shoulders sagged in defeat. This was all too upsetting for her.

Jean stood still for a long while. She kept her gaze on the ground as she debated over the questions Zed had asked and why she had found it so difficult to answer him. She whispered, "What's wrong with me?"

Now, were her feelings about Zed different from those she had in the past? She knew she had wanted Zed to stay. She even felt a little sad when she watched him leave. Couldn't she have shown greater affection for him over the past few days?

Looking up, Jean saw a bright moon. It seemed to be illuminating every star in the sky. But Jean was so lost in her thoughts and so burdened by the complexities of her feelings that she was in no position to appreciate the beauty of the glittering stars against the backdrop of a dark night.

When a gentle breeze glided over her body, Jean shivered. She had worn only a thin shirt in the morning. Now that it was night and much colder, Jean should have returned to the hotel. Not wanting to face Zed, Jean turned in the opposite direction of the hotel and began walking.

Over an hour had passed before Jean felt like she was ready to go back.

As she arrived at the hotel door, she saw Zed marching toward her. He looked rather serious.

"Where have you been?"

"I…… I was walking." She frowned and asked Zed the same question, "Why are you outside? Did you also go for a walk?"

"I was looking for you! Jean, do you think it is very safe to walk around as you wish this late at night in a strange place?" Zed's voice rose sharply as he admonished Jean. Bystanders looked at the bickering couple in amazement.

Jean hadn't thought that Zed would be so worried about her since she had been gone only for about an hour. Realizing that Zed had been worried about her, Jean gave a little chuckle.

However, his overreaction also annoyed her. "Didn't I carry my cell phone with me? You could have called me if you wanted to find me."

"My cell phone ran out of power."

"Out of power? Coincidentally, I have just borrowed a charger from the hotel owner. Let's go upstairs and charge both cell phones." After saying this, they headed inward.

"Wait!" He held Jean's arm and glanced at the pub beside with an evil and charming smile, "Drink with me."

"Drink?" Jean felt as though she had goosebumps all over. Go for a drink? She acted strange after drinking.

However, she had no choice at all, as Zed guided her toward the pub even before she could refuse. They found a quiet corner and asked the waiter to open a bottle of wine.

Unlike other pubs, this one had a very nice ambience. It was relatively quieter and not as noisy as those in the city. A female singer was performing on stage. Her voice was so melodious that the onlookers were watching silently.

Jean felt lucky as Zed had ordered wine. She wasn't as comfortable with hard liquor. She felt relieved thinking that she wouldn't get drunk so easily if she were having wine. Just then a thought crossed her mind. Zed hadn't fully recovered. Wouldn't it impede his recovery if he drank?


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