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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 19

The next day was Sunday, she didn't roll out of bed until ten thirty in the morning.

This was her first lazy morning at the Bourne family .

As she stepped out of her room, all the men in the living room turned to look at her.

She was in an oversized nightgown, hair all messy and draped over her shoulders, face clean and fresh.

She hadn't expected Elijah to have guests today.

He and his guests stared at her with serious expressions, seeming caught off guard by her unexpected appearance.

Violette's brain short-circuited!

Realizing her awkward situation, she quickly turned around, intending to hide back in her room.

Just then, Lacey came over and led her to the dining table.

"Ma'am, you haven't had breakfast, you must be hungry? I checked on you this morning and you were sound asleep, so I didn't wake you up."

Violette stuttered, "Who... who are those people?"

Lacey replied, "They're the Elijah's friends. They came to visit him. If you're scared, it's okay not to greet them."

Violette responded, "Hmm." She didn't even greet Elijah, let alone his friends?

But if she'd known he had friends over, she would have got up early and spent the whole day out.

In the living room.

Elijah's friends showed a great interest in Violette.

"Elijah, who's that young girl living in your house? Is she a nanny? Or..."

"Come on, we're all adults here, and Elijah is a normal guy. It's totally normal to have a young woman in the house, hahaha!"

As Elijah didn't respond to this question, everyone understood it was not a topic to be continued.

"Do you guys know Violette from the Dennis Group? I heard she's Blake's daughter..."

"Yeah, she called me last Friday night, trying to get me to invest in her company. I hung up before she finished."

"This Violette is kinda interesting. What has her dad's debt got to do with her? Is she crazy jumping into this fire pit?"

"Young people are always impulsive! I've researched their product, it's not going to work! Autonomous driving sounds cool, but the road conditions are complex and unpredictable. Whoever invests in this project is a fool!"


Violette was in the dining room, and listening to their discussions, she felt a mix of emotions.

After breakfast, she grabbed her laptop and found a nearby coffee shop to write her thesis.

Her abilities were limited, she had to take care of her own academics and life first.

Around four in the afternoon, she received a new email.

She held her coffee cup in her left hand, took a sip, and clicked on the email with her right hand.

Once she read the content of the email, she set her coffee cup down.

She read it again.

The email was from someone signed as Mr. E.

The content of the email was about his interest in the new product of the Dennis Group, wanting to know more about it in detail. If the discussion went well, he could invest.

After reading it, her mind was filled with question marks.

Apart from the signature Mr. E, there was no other information.

If he really wanted to cooperate with the Dennis Group, he could go directly to the Dennis Group for a face-to-face talk.

After careful consideration, Violette replied to his email: Is this a new type of scam?

Mr. E quickly replied: Ms. Dennis, you're quite funny. Here is my proof of assets.

Attachment: Proof of Assets.jpg

Violette opened the picture he sent, zoomed in to check—

She couldn't believe her eyes.

The picture was a bank deposit slip, showing his bank current deposit was over 50 million dollars.

Because the amount was so huge, Violette looked at the numbers on the picture several times before she was sure it was 50 million.

Violette flushed, her heart raced, her fingers trembling on the keyboard as she typed: Your photo editing skills are pretty good, but you're quite bold. Who would keep that much money in a bank current account?

Mr. E: What do I need to do to make you believe me? How about you send me your bank card number, and I'll transfer you some earnest money.

Violette: Has scamming technology advanced to this level?! Just knowing someone's account number, you can transfer all the money in their card?! [Shocked]


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