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Back and Better book novel Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty Nine Talk to me

Amira POV I snort at Damon’s comment, not knowing how else to respond. “Can you move? I have homework.” Damon remains staring at me. “Amira, I know you’re ahead in all of your classes.” fxxk. “Right, and I want to get farther ahead.”

When he doesn’t move shift on the bed to reach the stack of textbooks he made on the floor. He moves to block me, making me glare at him.

“What do you want, Damon?”

“I want you to tell me what’s going on with you, baby. You’ve been quiet and distant since the rogues came, and it’s worrying all of us. Please talk to me.”

I swear internally, knowing that Samantha must have outed me. “I’m okay.” Damon raises his eyebrow, and I throw my hands up. “I am okay! Nobody’s dead or dying, the world isn’t ending, and everyone’s currently safe.”

“Amira, you can’t base your own wellbeing on your surroundings. That’s not how it works. You have a lot going on. Just talk to me,” he begs.

“I don’t feel like talking!” “I don’t care. You’re going to talk to me, or I will make you wish you did.” I shake my head at him. “Go away, Damon.” “Alright, you brought this on yourself.”

In a few swift movements Damon’s suddenly on the bed, with me straddling him sitting in his lap. He has an iron grip around my waist, making struggling pointless. So I just try to reach the textbooks behind me, making Damon growl in annoyance.

He tugs me away, tightening his hold on me even more. “Talk to me baby, please.” “It doesn’t even matter!” “Sweetheart, it matters to me.” And I cave. Tears slip down my cheeks and I speak with a trembling voice.

“I’m just overwhelmed. I don’t understand why me? Why does it always have to be me? When I was younger, it was the constant bullying. Then it was trying to master my powers-which I can’t seem to do no matter how f*****g hard I try! Everyone has told me to give things time, that time heals all. But time won’t change my childhood of bullying. Time won’t takeaway every memory of every time I’ve f****d up. And even more, time won’t bring back my parents. They abandoned me three times. Once when I ran away and they didn’t look for me. And then they f*****g died! Leaving me with unresolved feelings, and an infant to raise! I’m not even a legal adult, how the f**k am I going to raise a baby right? And I know what I’m thinking isn’t rational. That it’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense. But I can’t stop. So that’s why I’m quiet. I don’t want to explode. I’m waiting for my emotional storm to blow over.”

Chapter 29 1


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