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Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M novel Chapter 173

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Book 2

Chapter 21 – Nyneve


I couldn’t wipe out the smile on my face the whole time I was driving her car into her allotted parking space. This morning was just perfect, and with

Patrea not hesitating to show her excitement over my presence in her life, that was the cherry on top.

And as much as I wanted to check her out in the library immediately after I dropped her off, I needed time to check on my kingdom as well.

But I’ll be back.

After checking that there were no humans around and no living souls within my perimeter, I locked Patrea’s car and transported my body back to Kalmerus.

I knew I’d been slacking off for many cycles now, but nothing threatened Kalmerus at the moment, so I didn’t see any problem with staying away from time to time.

[King Lucius,] My right-hand demon, Dorion, greeted me after he appeared on the throne hall a few moments after I did.

[Anything I should be concerned about?] I asked as I made my way to my throne chair.

[We have a request from the King of the Kingdom of Athwart. I told them you will send out a response after they think about it.]

[What do they want?] I asked, my forehead creasing.

The last time I was in the company of Arturos was when he let me have a taste of his mistress, the nearest one he could have for a wife or a queen, as none of the Kings of the Underworld had allowed a woman to rule with them.

[He didn’t specifically mention it, but his right hand had informed me that he wanted one of his offspring to meet you. I believed he has three daughters, and the youngest is just a half-century old.]

[I’m not interested.] I answered in a bored manner. I already had my eyes fixed on someone else.

Dorian was about to reply when the double door of the throne hall opened and one of my demon guards came in with another piece of news.

[King Lucius, the King of Athwart, is waiting by the portal connecting our kingdoms. He was seeking entrance to speak with you.]

I let out a hiss, annoyed at the intrusion. I shouldn’ t have come back. He might have felt my presence. Demons were allowed to travel back and forth throughout the underworld, but the towers were specifically enchanted to allow only the demons of each kingdom, thus he needed permission for entry into my tower.

[Was he alone?] I asked.

[Princess Nyneve is with him.] The demon guard replied.

[I would like to assume that she is his daughter.] Dorian added.

[Bring them here.] I ordered them.

Dorian’s eyes blazed red before he disappeared together with the demon guard, and it didn’t take long before the door to my throne hall opened again, and King Arturos came in, together with a she -demon that I wouldn’t deny sparked interest in me. Princess Nyneve was a thing of beauty. Her hair was flamed red and orange, ending up to her ass. She’s wearing a sheer silver gown that gave me a glimpse of her naked body underneath.

I swallowed hard before taking my eyes off her as I stood up, and I met Arturos’ gaze.

The king flashed me a smug smirk, he probably felt my reaction to his daughter.

But I knew Nyneve was using her allure on me. She had a gift like Lucija. I would not deny that her appearance awakened the prince of lust in me, but my eyes were searching for the amber eyes that were staring at me the whole morning.

And I felt f*ucking guilty for even looking at her.

Guilty was never part of my vocabulary until today. [King Lucius of Kalmerus,] King

Arturos acknowledged as he stopped a few feet away from my throne, standing beside him was Princess

Nyneve. [We have not cordially paid respect to your rise to power. So I decided it was better to pay you a private visit.]

[What do you want?] I went straight to the point. I was not born for pleasantries, and unlike him, I disliked fake facades.

I felt an alluring aura swirl around me before the princess laid her hand directly in front of me. [ Princess Nyneve, Princess of Seduction, is at your service, King Lucius.]

I took her hand and pressed my lips against the back of her palm, letting it go as soon as I was done before shifting my gaze between her and her father. [I didn’t have much time to spare at the moment. Let me know if there is something we should be discussing.]

[I wished to be allowed to stay within your tower, my king. I wanted to get to know you.] The princess answered.

[If you enjoyed your time with, Calapressa, I believed my daughter could provide you tenfold what she did.] Arturos arrogantly added.

My brows hiked up. Calepressa was his female that he let me f*uck more than a couple of times.

[That would have been an enchanting offer. However, I would decline as I don’t spend time in Kalmerus as much as I would have wanted.]

[I don’t mind waiting for you, whenever you are around. I’m sure I would have other things to keep myself occupied. The hot baths in this kingdom were incomparable to those in other kingdoms, and I took pleasure in them. So, if you would allow, my king, it will be an honor to be a guest of your kingdom.] Her eyelashes fluttered as her demon tail swirled around her back, caressing her hair.

[I will not be able to stop you if you want to stay in Kalmerus. However, I have to decline a place in the tower. Especially when I’m not around. I’m sure Dorion, my right-hand demon, can find a place for you to stay if you insist on staying. Other than that, I couldn’t offer more.]

The words came out of my mouth even before I could think. Lust was taking charge of my mind, and I had no room to take it back.

A seductive smile curled on Nyneve’s red lips before her eyes blazed red. [That would do for now. I’m sure sooner or later, I would find a way to gain an invitation to your tower, my king.]

A wicked smirk tugged on my mouth at the confidence she was displaying. [We will see that.]

I tilted my head and motioned for Dorion to approach us before looking at the guests in front of me.

[Unfortunately, I had to let Dorion take you out of the tower as I needed to be somewhere at the moment.]

[Shall I expect to see you by the end of the cycle?] Nyneve asked.

[We shall see. I do come and go as I please.]

[Feel free to visit me in the abode your right-hand demon will provide for me then.]

I didn’t reply, as I had no f*ucking idea what to say. If Patrea was not in my life right now, I would have dropped everything and summoned the princess into my chamber.

But Patrea was expecting me to see her. I watched as they were guided out of my throne room and transported out of the tower before I let the heat rise inside my body.

I used to enjoy being the prince of lust, but at the moment, I felt like being born with this ability was a curse.


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