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Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning) novel Chapter 13

Lin Yuzhen ran to the cashier area and there was already the sound of the cash register printing the bill out!

"Miss, the total price is $487,000,1 will register the car for you. We will also be giving a free decal and petrol station topup card."

The salesgirl was extremely excited. She didn't expect to make a sale so soon after starting work here.

The commission was not little on a BMW either.

She used both hands to return the receipt and card to Lin Yuzhen, and her voice trembled a little. "This is your card and receipt. I'll get a temporary license plate for the car first, then once the registration is settled, I will install the actual license plate for you."

Lin Yuzhen was stunned.

She didn't expect this salesgirl to process everything so quickly. And more than that, Jiang Ning's card actually had so much

money in it!

Nearly $500,000!

And it was spent just like that?

She had worked so hard for the last two years, and there was barely $50,000 in her savings. Jiang Ning...was just a homeless guy, where did he get this much money from?

Lin Yuzhen walked over to Jiang Ning, her eyes staring at him like he was a monster.

She still couldn't believe it. This car had already been bought by them.

It wasn't just her. Even those sales assistants in the corner felt their stomach churn. They were the ones who first spotted Jiang Ning walk in, but they didn't bother attending to them and ended up giving this golden opportunity to a newbie.

"He seriously bought it?”

One of them couldn't help but ask the newbie.

"He did! So cool!" The salesgirl couldn't hide her excitement. "I've seen the symbol on that card before, it's a very special card, and you need to have a minimum amount in your account to get it!”

Was it 100 million? Or 1 billion?

All the sales assistants within earshot swallowed hard and slapped themselves in their hearts. They've made a really huge loss this time!

The salesgirl didn't care about them. The commission from this sale was enough to make her happy for half a year already.

She quickly went to get the car and its temporary license ready.

On the other side, Lin Yuzhen was pouting. The more she looked at Jiang Ning, the less she understood about him.

"How many things are you hiding from me?"

"Not many, I'll tell you in the future."

Jiang Ning shrugged. All he did was to buy a car worth a few hundred thousand bucks, did Lin Yuzhen really have to look at him like that?

"Hop in and have a feel."

He opened the car door and got Lin Yuzhen to get into the car.

As she sat on the soft car seat, Lin Yuzhen felt like she was in a dream. It was so unreal.

"Sir, I've processed the temporary license plate already, and will take another two days to get the actual plate done and you can drop by the shop to get it installed. If you need anything, you can call me anytime."

The salesgirl bowed and politely placed her name card on a very conspicuous part of the car.

"Can we go?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Yes." "Wait, what about my scooter?" Lin Yuzhen suddenly thought of the scooter that had been her companion for the last two years.

"Leave it."

Jiang Ning didn't bother saying anything else and got into the driver's seat, turned on the engine and left.

The salesgirl watched them leave while still feeling flushed. This was the first time she'd seen someone this rich.

He bought a BMW like buying groceries!

Especially that calm and careless look on Jiang Ning's face. It gave off a strange sort of middle-aged man charm, and she was completely mesmerized.

The other sales assistants were filled with regret, but there was nothing they could do but blame themselves for being blind. So much for being good at judging people -that was all bullshit!

Jiang Ning was driving while Lin Yuzhen sat in the front passenger seat. She couldn't help but stretch out her hands to touch the real leather interior of the car. She looked at the beautiful dashboard and wondered how she was going to explain this to her parents.

She rode a scooter out and it somehow turned into a BMW when she came back?

"Jiang Ning, you're not an ordinary person, right?"

No matter how naive Lin Yuzhen was, she knew no ordinary man on the street would be able to simply spend $500,000 on a car like that.

"Why do you have so much money?"

"If you have so much money, then why did you apply to marry into the Lins and be laughed at by everyone?"

She had a thousand and one questions.

"You heard of Beggars' Sect from those old sword fighting novels? My sect is pretty rich," Jiang Ning answered her carelessly.

Lin Yuzhen took a while to react and suddenly realized that Jiang Ning was teasing her.

"Can you be serious!"


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