Chapter 6 Chelsea dreaded letting go of Christie and Peter, but Dave’s solemn expression as he completed his call to his partner left little doubt that they were still in danger. “Come on,” Dave replied, as he walked over to get them. “We can’t stay any longer.” It’s best if we get started.”

“Return to Paris?”

“There isn’t time for that now. It’ll be daylight in a few hours. The police might be on the way. We are good at night, but travelling after the two men outside is risky.” She grinned wistfully, but the dangers he was taking for her tonight were not amusing for all of them right now. And she could tell from the tone of his speech that his desire to move on was not just motivated by his duty. His concern was more profound. “Do you believe Hermano is still alive?”

Dave’s square jaw pulsed with a tendon. “If he isn’t dead yet, I promise you I won’t stop until he is.” But first, I need to make sure you and your family are safe. My buddy is preparing for someone to meet us in a safe location. We’ll be able to stay there for as long as we need to.”

Christie took a step forward, her little kid grabbing her hand, as Chelsea and Dave spoke.

Dave cast a glance up at the youngster, who was peering up at him with suspicion. He knelt to his level and delicately rested his hand on the child’s shoulder. “You were brave to keep your mother secure here until we arrived. Excellent work, Peter.”

Chelsea’s heart swelled as she saw the small boy’s terror fade away as a result of Dave’s kind care for him.

“How long do we have to stay away?” Christie inquired, cautiously. As he stood up, Dave’s gaze met Chelsea’s. She knew what that weighty stare meant. The two assassins who’d turned up tonight hadn’t succeeded because of him, but it was virtually certain that there were more behind them. Chelsea’s apartment, where she lived for a year, may never be safe again. But it hadn’t been genuinely safe in months. Not since Hermano walked into their lives.

Chelsea met Christie’s eyes while softly combing her fingers through her tiny nephew’s dark hair. “We’ll figure it all out afterwards. Right now, we must do as Dave directs.” “Of course, yes.” Can I get a couple of items for Peter before we leave? I swear I’ll hurry.”

Chelsea looked down at her golden gown and bare feet as Dave nodded. “I’m guessing you don’t have anything in your closet that would fit me?”

Christie gave a nice smile. “You might look in your own closet, sis. I kept your room exactly as it was on the day you were abducted by the bastard, hoping that you might return one day.” Chelsea’s throat tightened as she thought about the compassion of that gesture-the sisterly affection. “I appreciate it.” She drew Christie in for a quick embrace before Dave led them all out of the panic room and

minutes later, dressed in dark pants, sneakers, and a red T-shirt. Christie threw a small bag holding

the two-seater sports car. “There isn’t enough room in there, but we also don’t want to call attention to ourselves.” I don’t like the thought of taking Hermano’s men’s vehicle, but I can abandon it once we arrive in

building. “It’s not fast, but it will get us there.” And it’s obvious enough that it won’t attract

before shrugging. “This sounds preferable to our other possibilities.” They climbed into the rusted-out old Toyota Hilux pickup truck, Chelsea

fading light, it was hard to overlook the heat of Dave’s thigh pressing against hers. Chelsea knew a fulfilling feeling of security-that had escaped her for so long she hadn’t remembered what it was like to

Richmond, she had a crush on her best friend’s younger brother, and despite having a dozen flings around her, she never imagined hooking up with him while they were both drunk would change their

Along with him, Christie and Peter must have felt a sense of security as well. They’d both passed out a few minutes

had a lot to do with the man who’d undoubtedly saved their lives. In the dim light of the ancient truck’s dashboard, Chelsea cast a peek at Dave. His gaze was locked on the road ahead, one hand-stretched over the steering wheel’s top. He appeared to be deep in concentration until the weight of her stare caught his attention. He looked at her, and while she was mortified to have been caught staring at

for assisting them,” she added softly. “Thank you for assisting

his head. “There’s no need to thank me, Chelsea. I would do anything for you.

all this time. “Why did you ignore me, Dave? Why did you leave the wedding and

his brows furrowing in a scowl. “Christ, no. You didn’t do anything at all. I did it

feeling opened up in the

enough. “Tell me,” she prompted. “From where?” “From someone

get it.” “I will tell

sighed. He glanced back at the road. “I’m only looking out for your best interests, Chelsea.” “Are you saying you pushed me away? No…Surely you would not. Are you saying you didn’t want us together, so bloody ignore me when I

the back of her throat. She could hardly stand the thought of what his interference had caused her.

I wanted to make sure you found a man who could provide for you and give you all the things you deserved in life. I am not the sort… I do not deserve you. I

me.” he gently assured her. “But I wish I had known. I wish my intelligence had been on Hermano months ago, so I could’ve killed the bastard before he had the chance to lay a hand on you.” “It could’ve been worse,” she admitted quietly. “I endured his temper sometimes, but

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