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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 105

” Liam , be careful ! ” I shouted in alarm as he almost knocked ov the tub of paint that stood on the ladder .. ” Oops , that was close … ” He said . I looked at him in his ripped jeans and hit shirtless state , with splashes of paint all over him … He was making my stomach knot . Goddess .. I wanted him … I had just come off my period and after the scare from weeks ago , I was now on contraception , which I was taking religiously !

But getting my period also meant I had gone without sex for a few days , and I craved it . ” Like the view , love ? ” He asked , running his fingers through his hair . ” Oh , I’m definitely loving the view …

” I countered licking my lips as I climbed down from the ladder and walked over to him . We had decided to get Grandma Amy’s place completely renovated before we moved in here , until of course we have pups and then we’d need more space , but for now , we were both happy to wait and just enjoy each other’s company with some privacy .

The place was completely changed ; we had got the walls re – plastered , the floors and ceilings were completely new . However , we had kept some of the furniture in the lounge , simply sanding them down and repainting them . The place was looking great ; the kitchen now has black worktops with dark grey units , a black cooker , fridge and other electrical items .

A touch of purple and teal decorated the kitchen . The living area floor was now changed to grey floorboards and grey walls , with purple and teal décor . The sofa was grandma Amy’s but we had covered it with a throw , and bought two armchairs which were now sat in front of the huge TV . The small table was also painted in black , with a runner down the middle , but we had replaced the chairs .

The shelves were re – organised and many now held crystals , candles , books , comics and games for Liam’s PlayStation , along with some ornaments . The bathroom was something we had to completely re – do , decorating it in shades of dark browns and black , adding a warm touch to it . I jumped into Liam’s arms , locking my legs around his waist , his arms tight around me as he peppered my neck with kisses , making me sigh in pleasure .

We had just finished painting the small corners that were left , so we were now officially finished ! ” So , what’s the plan for tonight ? ” Liam asked , his fingers grazing up the side of m y bare waist , making me sigh . ” Tonight … I’m thinking although we got shopping in , I don’t want to cook tonight . I mean it would be you who would be cooking … How about you go get some pizza ? I really want a veg one . ” I pouted , batting my lids . I wanted him gone so I could dress up in some kinky lingerie I had brought online . Oh , this was going to be fun . *** ” Sure , love , I’ll do that . ”

He glanced around the room in approval , before kissing me passionately . Once he put me down , he went into the bedroom to grab a shirt and his wallet . We had pretty much unpacked everything , a few boxes were stacked to the side but apart from that , we were done . I had visited my parent’s house one last time and taken anything I wanted There wasn’t much , just a few photographs of m e , some old toys from the attic and a few items of my grandmothers .

When we had finally told Aunty Angela about everything she had been shocked and had come down for a week . She was the one who packed Mom and Dad’s stuff and had it donated to the human shelter . Nobody wanted their hand – me – downs . Liam was planning to destroy the house , but he had asked me first . To be honest , I needed it gone , the place had too many dark memories attached to it . When I had found out about The Blue Moon Pack , I had been happy for Damon , , and for him and Liam mending their bond .

It was nice to see them tease each other and discuss stuff like they once used to . They had already started working on the blueprints for the new buildings and everything was going smoothly . The splitting of the pack was being discussed too , everyone was given a say and were not compelled to move .

Yet luckily everyone was co – c -operating perfectly and we were working on who would shift to where . We were going to be sub packs , meaning we were still one in a way yet under two leaderships . I knew they were going to smash it . When Rayhan had called Liam , he had joked that Liam was worried that the Black Storm was getting ahead and wanted to expand his own pack . Many of the young adults were excited for new rooms at the Blue Moon packhouse with en – suite bathrooms , whilst the packhouse here would be renovated as well . There was a lot to do but we were moving at a good steady pace , we would get there .

The Blood Moon had come and gone . Although deep down i wished Damon was given someone , I knew he didn’t really have hope and second chance mates were so rare people didn’t really go to mating balls to find them . All the single werewolves of age had gone to the mating ball being hosted at Kiara’s pack but there was someone else who refused to go as well , Robyn . She said she had exams , but I knew there was more to it – I don’t think she was ready to move on so soon . I entered our bedroom , one that Liam allowed me to decorate completely by myself , saying the only thing in here he wanted to see was me !

So , I had grey walls with one feature wall of black and silver . The curtains and bedding were black , and the décor was deep red ; from the pillows , to the throw at the edge of the bed , to the light shade . It was a dark room ; cosy , sexy and romantic . Sitting in front of my vanity table , I began putting more makeup on , applying a deep maroon lipstick and adding some more highlighter before putting on the strappy black bandage lingerie , one that had a slit along the thong .


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