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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 76

Quickly , I switched routes , heading towards the pack headquarters before I changed my mind .

I stopped at the entrance and looked at the guards .

” I wish to speak to Liam .

” I said quietly , not missing the way they looked at my mark .

My stomach churned and I realised that what someone wore with pride , had become something awful for me , something to be leered and gawked at like a spectacle in a zoo .

I moved : my hair forward , covering it .

They opened the door , allowing me inside .

Another guard escorted me through the halls , unlocking the next door and leading me to the cells .

My heart thudded when w e slowed down .

” Do you wish to talk from outside miss or inside ? ” I don’t know …

” Outside is fine .

” I said quietly , my stomach twisting .

I can’t do this … I can’t … Breathe … I stopped when I saw him , sitting in one o f the cells on the bed .

His eyes were closed , his back against the wall .

He looked as handsome as ever , dressed in a plain white tee and grey sweatpants , his hair was falling in his eyes and my chest squeezed , the memory of him biting into my neck sent a shudder down my spine .

Was it the sane Liam or the dark Liam sitting there ? As if sensing me watching him , his eyes snapped open and I stared at him , my heart racing .

I balled my fists in a n attempt to stop shaking .

I waited as the guards opened up a small narrow square window in the netrable glass walls of the room .

I could hear his heart thundering through the opening , his eyes locked with mine and I realised I felt … scared , sick , tense , broken and anguished .

The very realisation made me step back , I saw the guilt in his eyes before he looked I came here .

But what am I here to say ? I couldn’t do it … I thought I could .

… …….

He stood up and walked over to the window , his eyes that were filled with a thousand emotions met mine .

” I … ” I couldn’t speak .

” Nothing I say can undo what I did , what I let my anger do .

I shouldn’t have lost it … but I did and look at the consequences .

” He said quietly .

Not once did his gaze go to my neck , and through the bond , I could feel his anguish and his pain .

I knew that dark Liam was in there … ready to take over at any moment .

In sudden clarity , I realised what I needed to do .

Even if it hurt him a little , I needed t o tell him the truth .

My heart skipped a beat and I looked at him , needing to get my thoughts out there .

” A woman wears the mark of her mate with pride and happiness .

We want the world to know we are claimed and happy … I have dreamt of you marking me , countless times … but never had I ever thought it would be like this .

” I said quietly , trying to control the sadness in m y voice .

It hurt telling him that , knowing that right now it wasn’t the dark Liam I was talking to but the Liam who held no account of what he did .

It didn’t make this pain go away though .

” I didn’t either .

I can’t use the curse as an excuse ...

That’s like saying I got drunk and assaulted someone but since I don’t remember … I’m not at fault .

” I get that .

This wasn’t just going to go away , it was going to take time .

” I let my anger and jealousy take over and jumped to assumptions the moment I saw that picture .

” Liam said quietly .

Picture ? ” What picture ? ” ” It doesn’t matter , it was just something that was posted under my door .


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