Camp Closeted

Chapter 2: Sassy and Rude

My mom entered herself into my room with a surprising smile, making me internally roll my eyes at what she could possibly be planning now.

"Micah, I need to tell you something." She spoke quietly as she turned my lamp on.

"Ew turn it back off!" I exclaimed, hissing at the light like a vampire.

"Okay." She quickly turned it back off. "So I know you don't have any friends. I know you hate talking to people, and I also know you won't show your face to school on Monday. I talked to your counselor today and she understood how serious and difficult your issue is right now. She's planning to talk to Brandon. She also said that you can do your classes online until you finally feel comfortable to go back to school again."

I sniffed as my eyes still felt sore. "Funny because I'm never going back to that hell hole. Going to Amphitrite has been the worse experience in my life so far."

She nodded in reply. "Look I really think It would help you a lot to talk to someone, anyone, other than just me. I really want you to at least have 2 people to talk too."

"Everyone kinda hates me for no reason. Who would wanna be friends with me?" I spoke tiredly, my voice sounding like an actual dying cat. "Also there's so many fake people out there, how do I know who to trust?"

you'd know it in your heart." I stayed quiet since she's actually kind of right. "So I think it would help if I signed

I saw the rainbow flag on the piece of paper I had already

through my painfully sore eyes I still managed to widen them at her. "Mom no! You're not gonna send me away to just

bags because your

have a panic attack. "Just because I'll be surrounded with other gay guys doesn't mean I'll be friends with any of them! What

You're being sassy and rude yourself by assuming they'd all be like that. If you end up not liking it you can leave, I'll go and pick you up. But how bad can

nose out, trying to process what the hell my mom was thinking signing an antisocial to engage in

She casually

I exclaimed in genuine

She assured.

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