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Capo Dei Capi (Secrets of the Famiglia Part 1) novel Chapter 59

Luckily Papa didn’t hold grudges for very long and he dropped the subject after he made it crystal clear that under no circumstances was, I allowed to ‘disappear’ with ‘Fuckin’ Deno fuckin’ Catelli’ again.

Filippo been my father’s successor heard all of this. He was also not pleased, when he came to my room and asked me point blank, if something was going on between ‘Catelli’ and I.

I cringed because something did happen with ‘Catelli’ and I, but the Catelli was not the one he was talking about and I was in no mood to learn what happened to the daughter of a Made-Man who stuck her tongue down another Made-Man's throat.

SO, I smiled at my brother, after cringing and said, it was nice to have Deno around after Ren. Filippo’s face softened and I felt terrible but I told myself that what I said was true, and it was a better reason than the alternative.

Obviously, I didn’t get away scot free. Papa has refused any late nights for me completely, and with Matteo ‘freaking’ Russo around it hasn’t been easy to sneak off. Not impossible, but I had to be smart. The last thing I need is Papa thinking I’m running around with Deno behind his back.

I explained this to Deno yesterday when he called me informing me that I was now the owner of the home, and invited me to Azure for a drink. He laughed over our hour conversation and thought it was hilarious that my father thought I was possibly sneaking around with him, when I in fact snuck around with Marco.

He knew my father loathed his family, well almost all of them. Apparently Deno let slip that Marco, his father and him were the only ones my father didn’t like and it was for good reason.

He also let slip when I explained to him that I was not allowed late nights at all, that he told Marco about what happened and Marco thought it was just as funny. I didn’t say anything to that and he must have sensed the end of our conversation because he ended the call soon after that. It was the last time I heard from Deno.

My feelings for Marco Catelli hit me like a heat wave since that kiss in front of the dorms and grew every day since, but my hurt at his rejection after has been killing me. It killed me more because he was around, but not around the way I wanted him to be.

Our kiss that last day was deemed nothing more than just that to him. He is everywhere but nowhere at the same time. I know, even as I look at my sister that I need to let him go.

My sister has still not gotten engaged as yet. But Papa sent for her yesterday which meant he had news. I could tell she wanted to get married, Ilaria was not making my sister’s life any easier and Guilia looked like she was going to explode soon.

She did not stay away from Marco when he came by yesterday hoping that his meeting with Papa meant he wanted to marry her. But that was not the case, even as naïve as I was to believe he wanted me, knew that while he entertained Guilia yesterday, he has eyes for a certain brunette head, brown eyed Moretti. A true Italian goddess.


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